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Lunar Rover Exchange


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The Lunar Rover Exchange

Here you can share any rovers you made and hopefully learn about designing a rover a little more.

I\'ll start by sharing my rover: \'The Complete Failure That Isn\'t Even Worth Posting The Craft File\'


The reason why it\'s a complete failure:


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This is my Munar Rover II


I do have an improved version but i dont have any pictures available

the lander legs are there to protect the engine in the case of flippage.

landing skids are necessary to protect the RCS Fuel Tanks in the Case of Flippage and the nose cone is there as a 1 chance protection in the case of flippage.

the mun is dangerous and still has alot of problems. most particularly the textures on the moon are not flush which result in flippage if you are traveling over 10m/s

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