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Choices When Switching Craft

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Personally I would like to see the choice of switching to the Tracking Station be brought back. If I am on one craft and want to switch to one in another system I have to go to the Space Center first, then go to the Tracking Station. There's an extra wait time there that isn't needed if I could go straight to it.


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Personally I would like to see the choice of switching to the Tracking Station be brought back. If I am on one craft and want to switch to one in another system I have to go to the Space Center first, then go to the Tracking Station. There's an extra wait time there that isn't needed if I could go straight to it.


I too find this annoying, but at the same time I wonder if the *real* problem at the root of this isn't the need to switch screens twice, but rather how SLOW those switches are. Would you be as annoyed by this if the Space Center screen came up rather quickly, and then the Tracking Station screen came up rather quickly? Perhaps the real fix should be "improve the speed of switching to/from the Space Center".

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I too find this annoying, but at the same time I wonder if the *real* problem at the root of this isn't the need to switch screens twice, but rather how SLOW those switches are. Would you be as annoyed by this if the Space Center screen came up rather quickly, and then the Tracking Station screen came up rather quickly? Perhaps the real fix should be "improve the speed of switching to/from the Space Center".

I found that was much faster in 21.0 than in 20.2 or 21.1; after the patch, load times on my computer got much longer. I wrote that off to having to clear stuff out due to the "trapped in VAB/SPH" bug, and hoped it'd be fixed with the next patch; not sure that's the case, as I heard something about a Unity update that had less-than-wonderful side effects, but here's hoping.

-- Steve

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I haven't noticed this correlation myself, but I wouldn't rule out coincidence.

The old system loaded a static scene whenever you went to the space centre, which meant it had a roughly constant load time, but in the new system it's just drawing part of the universe, which means caching effects should affect the load time: the space centre should load faster if you were recently in its vicinity (since it's already in memory) but load slower if you've been away for a while.

This means that in a new campaign, you'll likely see fast load times as you fool around at KSC, but as you get further in the game you're more likely to see slower load times. If you started a new campaign when 0.21 came out, it's possible the longer load times you're seeing are related to your progress, rather than the patch.

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