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OOOPS I ;istened to one of Jebediahs great ideas


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Well there I was getting into the hang of using mechjeb and I got a little sloppy. I have been modifying an orbital capsule for resuply runs on a recently started spacestation. it is well into the early hours of the morning in the UK and once again I am unable to sleep so I start up KSP and I had a brain wave lets do a test of the capsules capacity. So I load up the command pod and the crew pod (crew pod is the other side of the stack decoupler but I had not thought of that. We have a slight emergency in orbit, yes Jeb got a little carried away with the KER Bull (it gives you rockets) so I have a choice decouple or punch back upto orbit, I chose to punch to orbit.

The moral's of the story,

1. Dont let Jeb have KER Bull (it gives you rockets)

2. Remember not to play KSP when your tired and kill more than half of your astronaut crew in one go. Rescue ships are on the pad as we speak.

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