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[0.21.x] Somnambulic Aerospace -- KW Rocketry+ Optimization Pack v0.1.1 -- 15 Aug 13


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There is a licence include with KW Rocketry, and this is quoted below for convenience.

Exactly. I'm more concerned with creating a derivative work like a rescale or re-distributing any part of KW. Outside of any response from Kyle or Winston, I'm considering this an unofficial patch and nothing more.

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After a quick discussion with some of the other mods, I would say to interpret the licence exactly as it is stipulated - if you are not redistributed anything which originally resided in the KW Rocketry download, then go for it. K & W are welcome to return and modify the licence to make it more restrictive if they wish.

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Your way would work and, in fact, I had KW setup that way for awhile. But there are two problems:

Fair enough. I haven't done this with quite everything - nose cones and decouplers are the most readily mentioned examples. I can understand how modifying this in a plugin or mod would either be more complicated than doing it by hand, or it would run up against the license. Certainly you've accomplished the main goal, which is to optimize the unnecessarily bloated memory footprint of KW Rocketry.

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KickassKyle sent me a PM and I'm trying to get in touch with him. Hopefully something can be worked out that benefits everyone while still preserving their work.

That said, if anyone wants to try doing this on their own HeadHunter67's method of combining folders, the following parts use identical models and textures and can be easily combined:

1 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingBase
1 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingBase

2 KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecoupler
2 KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW2mDecoupler
2 KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW3mDecoupler

3 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingBase
3 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW2mFairingBase
3 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mFairingBase

4 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mNoseCone
4 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW2mNoseCone
4 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mNoseCone

5 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingCone
5 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingCone

6 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingCone
6 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW2mFairingCone

7 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingCone
7 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mFairingCone

8 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingWall
8 KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW2mFairingWall

9 KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy
9 KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium

To combine these parts, just rename the cfg files to something unique (e.g., KW1mDecoupler.cfg, KW2mDecoupler.cfg, etc.) and combine each group into a single folder. Then delete the other old folders out of the group.

Also these textures are not referenced by their model.mu file and can just be deleted:


There might be more of these, I haven't had a chance to go through all the folders yet.

And here's the full list of duplicate files.

1 tangents.v4 KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/mesh/tangents.v4
1 tangents.v4 KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/mesh/tangents.v4
2 model.mdl KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/mesh/model.mdl
2 model.mdl KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/mesh/model.mdl
3 mesh6.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/mesh/mesh6.msh
3 mesh6.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/mesh/mesh6.msh
4 mesh4.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/mesh/mesh4.msh
4 mesh4.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/mesh/mesh4.msh
5 mesh2.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/mesh/mesh2.msh
5 mesh2.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/mesh/mesh2.msh
6 mesh1.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/mesh/mesh1.msh
6 mesh1.msh KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/mesh/mesh1.msh
7 StrutConnectorTexMap.png KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/textures/StrutConnectorTexMap.png
7 StrutConnectorTexMap.png KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/textures/StrutConnectorTexMap.png
8 strutConnector.DAE KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorMedium/strutConnector.DAE
8 strutConnector.DAE KWRocketryParts/Structural/kwstrutConnectorHeavy/strutConnector.DAE
9 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KW2mengineSPS/model001.mbm
9 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW1mDecouplerShroud/model001.mbm
9 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW2mDecouplerShroud/model001.mbm
9 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW3mDecouplerShroud/model001.mbm
10 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW3mDecouplerShroud/model000.mbm
10 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW1mDecouplerShroud/model000.mbm
10 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW2mDecouplerShroud/model000.mbm
11 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW3mDecoupler/model001.mbm
11 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW1mDecoupler/model001.mbm
11 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW2mDecoupler/model001.mbm
12 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW3mDecoupler/model000.mbm
12 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW1mDecoupler/model000.mbm
12 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW2mDecoupler/model000.mbm
13 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW3mDecoupler/model.mu
13 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW1mDecoupler/model.mu
13 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Structural/KW2mDecoupler/model.mu
14 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Fuel/KW3mRCSfuel/model001.mbm
14 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Fuel/KW1mRCSfuel/model001.mbm
14 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Fuel/KW2mRCSfuel/model001.mbm
15 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Fuel/KW3mRCSfuel/model000.mbm
15 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Fuel/KW1mRCSfuel/model000.mbm
15 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Fuel/KW2mRCSfuel/model000.mbm
16 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingWall/model001.mbm
16 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingWall/model001.mbm
17 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingWall/model000.mbm
17 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingWall/model000.mbm
18 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingCone/model000.mbm
18 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingCone/model000.mbm
19 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingCone/model.mu
19 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingCone/model.mu
20 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingBase/model001.mbm
20 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingBase/model001.mbm
20 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingBase/model001.mbm
21 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingBase/model000.mbm
21 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingBase/model000.mbm
21 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingBase/model000.mbm
22 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mNoseCone/model000.mbm
22 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mNoseCone/model000.mbm
22 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mNoseCone/model000.mbm
23 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mNoseCone/model.mu
23 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mNoseCone/model.mu
23 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mNoseCone/model.mu
24 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeX2/model000.mbm
24 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeX/model000.mbm
25 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeVI/model000.mbm
25 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeV/model000.mbm
26 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingBase/model001.mbm
26 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingBase/model001.mbm
26 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingBase/model001.mbm
27 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingBase/model000.mbm
27 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingBase/model000.mbm
27 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingBase/model000.mbm
28 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mFairingBase/model.mu
28 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingBase/model.mu
28 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingBase/model.mu
29 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingBase/model.mu
29 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingBase/model.mu
30 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KW2mengineMaverickV/model001.mbm
30 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Engines/KW2mengineVestaVR9D/model001.mbm
31 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingWall/model000.mbm
31 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingWall/model000.mbm
32 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingWall/model.mu
32 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingWall/model.mu
33 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingCone/model000.mbm
33 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingCone/model000.mbm
34 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mFairingCone/model.mu
34 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mFairingCone/model.mu
35 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingWall/model001.mbm
35 model001.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingWall/model001.mbm
36 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingWall/model000.mbm
36 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingWall/model000.mbm
37 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingCone/model000.mbm
37 model000.mbm KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingCone/model000.mbm
38 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW2mExpandedFairingCone/model.mu
38 model.mu KWRocketryParts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingCone/model.mu

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KickassKyle sent me a PM and I'm trying to get in touch with him. Hopefully something can be worked out that benefits everyone while still preserving their work.

That's reassuring. We all know what happenned and I understand what they must have been going through, but I hope they will leave the past in the past and will allow us to continue enjoying their awesome work.

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Edit - I Expected at least 2 or 5 crafts (Mostly Debris of jettisoned stages) but it had no problems whit my save but i dont know if its an error whit the pack (I really dont think thats the problem) or just a simple mistake or missing component on the install but when i finished my in-flight test and got back to the VAB i found decouplers whit missing texture and some whit the wrong model (Stack Decouplers whit wrong Model 2.50 - 3.75 and the Interstages from the same size whitout their textures but whit the same model) and the Monopropellant tanks had also the wrong model and missing textures.

Sorry I didn't see your edit earlier today.

Your GameData folder should look like this:


Plus any other mods that you have installed.

The screwed-up models and missing textures are because the ModuleManager cfg isn't loaded or because the path to the KWRocketry folder is incorrect.

There was about a 10-minute window after I posted this last night where I realized I forgot to bundle ModuleManager.dll in the zip; thought I caught it before anyone downloaded :( Try re-downloading it now and let me know if it works.

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This is fantastic! half the folder size through the magic of optimization.

I can't tell any difference between .20 KWr and this KW+ pack - even kept the colour coded tank hemispheres!

One thing though, it seems the specular map on the 2m and 3m interstages is not working so well

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One thing though, it seems the specular map on the 2m and 3m interstages is not working so well

I'll take a look at it tonight when I'm home from work. Just to confirm, you're still getting the base texture on these parts, but not the specular?

Edit: if you replace the model.mu for those parts with the original, it should fix itself. I'm working on a better fix and will update the mod once tested.

Edited by somnambulist
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I'll take a look at it tonight when I'm home from work. Just to confirm, you're still getting the base texture on these parts, but not the specular?

Edit: if you replace the model.mu for those parts with the original, it should fix itself. I'm working on a better fix and will update the mod once tested.

Can you add a version number when you update it so we can keep track of it without having to surf the comments?

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One thing though, it seems the specular map on the 2m and 3m interstages is not working so well

Thanks to Read have Read for pointing out the issue with the disappearing specular map and, as a result of fixing it, forcing me to install Unity and figure out how to texture a quad. :P It looks the part loader stops processing model node references once it errors out on one of the original textures -- it will see that model000.mbm exists even if it can't read it, but the error keeps it from passing subsequent textures over to model nodes. The fix was to export a simple model out of Unity and use those files as replacements.

The download has been updated to v0.1.1. Delete the entire KWRocketry folder and reinstall both KWRocketry and KWRocketryPlus.


Edited by somnambulist
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Can you add a version number when you update it so we can keep track of it without having to surf the comments?

Top post and thread title will always have a version number and a date.

Edited by somnambulist
Seriously vbulletin, how many editing modes do you need?
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Maybe this is a Mac issue. I copied your (Somnabulist) GameData folder and the new KW folders in, and the only KW parts that show up now are the original models that you're cloning using ModuleManager. I know it's not a ModuleManager issue because all of my other cfgs still work. I checked the readme and saw that the folder should be 267 mb, which it was. It's as if MM is ignoring your custom cfgs.

EDIT: I just saw you had a new version up. I'll test this and see.

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Maybe this is a Mac issue. I copied your (Somnabulist) GameData folder and the new KW folders in, and the only KW parts that show up now are the original models that you're cloning using ModuleManager. I know it's not a ModuleManager issue because all of my other cfgs still work. I checked the readme and saw that the folder should be 267 mb, which it was. It's as if MM is ignoring your custom cfgs.

EDIT: I just saw you had a new version up. I'll test this and see.

*grumble* Part of the reason could be that I forgot to include ModuleManager yet again. (That's been fixed now.)

Installation on OS X is a bit annoying because the Finder's UI for merging folders is just plain terrible:

  1. Unzip KWRocketry+ somewhere.
  2. Go into the 'KWRocketryPlus/GameData' folder. Select all. Copy.
  3. Now go into your 'GameData' folder. Paste. You should get a dialog that looks like this:
  4. Click "Keep Newer"

Edited by somnambulist
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Hey Somnambulist! Thanks for finally noticing from my edit :P, I downloaded the new version and tried to install correctly this time and i think i did it well this time but im not sure were KW RocketryPlus Folder goes exactly. I was not able to test ingame (And maybe i discovered my problem) due to loading tending to stop when ORDA Computer loads (its outdated so maybe thats the problem). im gonna do some test later, And im going to edit this if i see a difference. Edit 1- Updated ORDA for another test. Edit 2- Parts are not incorrectly modelled this time and have textures

Edited by Zaryulenko
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Hey Somnambulist! Thanks for finally noticing from my edit :P, I downloaded the new version and tried to install correctly this time and i think i did it well this time but im not sure were KW RocketryPlus Folder goes exactly. I was not able to test ingame (And maybe i discovered my problem) due to loading tending to stop when ORDA Computer loads (its outdated so maybe thats the problem). im gonna do some test later, And im going to edit this if i see a difference.

If you had any earlier install of KWRocketry and/or KWRocketry+, it's best to delete KWRocketry and anything referencing SomnambulicAerospace or KWRocketryPlus and start with a fresh install. Your folder structure should look like this:


'KWRocketry' and 'Squad' will have more directories inside them, and you'll probably have other mods installed. But that is the basic structure.

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*grumble* Part of the reason could be that I forgot to include ModuleManager yet again. (That's been fixed now.)

Installation on OS X is a bit annoying because the Finder's UI for merging folders is just plain terrible:

  1. Unzip KWRocketry+ somewhere.
  2. Go into the 'KWRocketryPlus/GameData' folder. Select all. Copy.
  3. Now go into your 'GameData' folder. Paste. You should get a dialog that looks like this:
  4. Click "Keep Newer"

The version I was using had MM included, but I already had it so I didn't install the .dll you included. It's just in GameData.

I didn't get back around to testing the current version but I will in the morning and let you know.

Yeah the Finder issue is annoying...I had just copied the part folders over from the category folders (Engines, Structural, etc.), so maybe I overwrote the folders that were keeping the models/textures. I'll wipe KW tomorrow and try your method...I didn't even think to click the Keep Newer. Thanks!

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Yeah the Finder issue is annoying...I had just copied the part folders over from the category folders (Engines, Structural, etc.), so maybe I overwrote the folders that were keeping the models/textures. I'll wipe KW tomorrow and try your method...I didn't even think to click the Keep Newer. Thanks!

Just overwriting the folders means you lost a lot of models and all the cfgs. Nuke it from orbit and start over.

Edit: try this and let me know how it works http://subrosasoft.com/software/freeware/macmerger (I'd do it but sleep and them work take precedence).

I normally just drop to the command line and use 'cp' for this sort of thing. That utility is free and would solve a lot of the headaches for Mac users installing mods.

Edited by somnambulist
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Just overwriting the folders means you lost a lot of models and all the cfgs. Nuke it from orbit and start over.

Edit: try this and let me know how it works http://subrosasoft.com/software/freeware/macmerger (I'd do it but sleep and them work take precedence).

I normally just drop to the command line and use 'cp' for this sort of thing. That utility is free and would solve a lot of the headaches for Mac users installing mods.

Yeah I have used 'cp' in the past to move files to root folders but never for user files, but MacMerger was magic. Works like a charm. Thanks man!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I deleted my install of KWRocketry, downloaded a new copy (v2.4, the latest), and then installed this mod (v1.1) atop it all, saying Yes to all overwrite prompts. Directly inside my GameData folder, next to the Squad folder, is KWRocketry and SomnambulicAerospace.


What you see here are the 2.5 and 3.75m interstages to the right, their corresponding decouplers on the left, and center some slightly odd sized blue SRBs, their original duplicates, and two RCS tanks.

What am I doing wrong?

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I deleted my install of KWRocketry, downloaded a new copy (v2.4, the latest), and then installed this mod (v1.1) atop it all, saying Yes to all overwrite prompts. Directly inside my GameData folder, next to the Squad folder, is KWRocketry and SomnambulicAerospace.


What you see here are the 2.5 and 3.75m interstages to the right, their corresponding decouplers on the left, and center some slightly odd sized blue SRBs, their original duplicates, and two RCS tanks.

What am I doing wrong?

I'm going to hazard a guess here, and ask if you have the engine surface attach mod installed - as I got this exact error when I installed that!

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I deleted my install of KWRocketry, downloaded a new copy (v2.4, the latest), and then installed this mod (v1.1) atop it all, saying Yes to all overwrite prompts. Directly inside my GameData folder, next to the Squad folder, is KWRocketry and SomnambulicAerospace.


What you see here are the 2.5 and 3.75m interstages to the right, their corresponding decouplers on the left, and center some slightly odd sized blue SRBs, their original duplicates, and two RCS tanks.

What am I doing wrong?

I did a quick test based on Milkshakefiend's report and it looks like either Sarbian's wildcard version of MM or the surface mount CFG are at fault. I'll look into it more in a bit but, for now, you'll have to choose between surface mount engines or KWRocketry+.

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I did some further testing on both OS X 10.8.4 and Win-7 64 bit. Looks like it's a bug in Sarbian's extension where it doesn't pattern to specifically named parts See here for details.

In the meantime, copy and replace the conents of KWRocketryPlus.cfg This should work around the problem, but will break if Sarbian's extension isn't installed. If it works, I'll update the OP with the work around for Sarbian-extension users.

// --- KW Rocketry+ v0.1.1a --- SPECIAL cfg to work around probably bug in Sarbian's wildcard extension to MM //
// Asset replacement is done with model nodes. We're only replacing byte-for-byte matches to avoid breaking people's existing rockets with unexpected mesh changes (other rocket breakage is your own fault).
// Parts that are using the model and textures from another part only need to define the uri for the model and the scale. Parts that share textures but not models need a model uri to the original model and uri for texture replacement.
// mu and mbm files must be valid or part loader weirdness will occur.
// Scale in model nodes is part of a ratio. e.g., a .8 scale value represents a ratio of 0.8:1.0 where 0.8m in the part gets scaled to 1.0m in the game. This is a bit backwards and confusing, especially if there's an additional rescaleFactor in play.

// ************************************************************************************ //

// --- KWRocketry Aero Parts --- //


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingBase/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingBase/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingBase/model
scale = .5333, .5333, .5333


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingBase/model
scale = .5333, .5333, .5333


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingCone/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mExpandedFairingWall/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingCone/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mFairingWall/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mNoseCone/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW1mNoseCone/model
scale = .5333, .5333, .5333


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingCone/model
scale = .8, .8, .8


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Aero/KW3mExpandedFairingWall/model
scale = .8, .8, .8

// --- END KWRocketry Aero Parts --- //

// ************************************************************************************ //

// --- KW Rocketry Engines


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeX2/model
scale = .8, .8, .8
texture = model000, KWRocketry/Parts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeX/model000


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeVI/model
scale = .8, .8, .8
texture = model000, KWRocketry/Parts/Engines/KWsrbGlobeV/model000

// ************************************************************************************ //

// --- KWRocketry Fuel Parts --- //


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Fuel/KW1mRCSfuel/model
scale = .4, .4, .4


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Fuel/KW1mRCSfuel/model
scale = .2667, .2667, .2667

// --- END KWRocketry Fuel Parts --- //

// ************************************************************************************ //

// --- KWRocketry Structural Parts --- //


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecoupler/model
scale = .4, .4, .4


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecoupler/model
scale = .2667, .2667, .2667


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW2mDecouplerShroud/model
scale = .8, .8, .8
texture = model000, KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecouplerShroud/model000
texture = model001, KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecouplerShroud/model001


model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW3mDecouplerShroud/model
scale = .8, .8, .8
texture = model000, KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecouplerShroud/model000
texture = model001, KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KW1mDecouplerShroud/model001

// --- END KWRocketry Structural Parts --- //

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