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My First Spaceplane


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I know this is not particularly impressive compared to the mission reports I am reading, but I am proud to report that after a couple weeks worth of effort and "I lost count after 100" test flights and design tweaks (and a couple redesigns), I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and got my first spaceplane into orbit. :)

Here she is, the X-2 "Prometheus" SSTO in LKO:


I had the solar panel extended in this shot to maintain power while the engines were all shut down. And I made the node just fine, I hadn't cleared it yet is all. :)

I know this is done every day by you vets but I am excited! Donly is pretty pleased with himself too, he finally beat Jeb at something. :D

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That's nice - I like your design aesthetic. I see you have the B9 pack installed - I would suggest using the Sabre S engines in there - they're quite useful for spaceplanes and actually scientifically realistic (they're being currently built by Reaction Engines Limited). Anyway, good job!

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That's nice - I like your design aesthetic. I see you have the B9 pack installed - I would suggest using the Sabre S engines in there - they're quite useful for spaceplanes and actually scientifically realistic (they're being currently built by Reaction Engines Limited). Anyway, good job!

Thanks! I probably will move over to the Sabres now, I had just set a goal of doing this with the stock turbojets. I did use the Sabre intakes mainly cause I liked the way they look. :D

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