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What can counter Laser weapons?


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Then you need to provide evidence that an external magnetic field can alter the propagation path of a self-sustaining Electric and magnetic wave.

Because the wikipedia entry for Photon gives it an electric charge value of 0, and so unaffected by electromagnetic fields (as described by clicking the Electric charge link)

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A 'laser based on electrons' isn't a laser, by definition.


Amplification (through)


Emission (of)


Lasers are strictly visible length electromagentic radiation. (lights)

Replace "Light" with "Microwave" for a Maser, ect.

Edited by Rakaydos
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Otherwise known as "Particle beam weapons" or "Plasma weapons"

Which are a completely differnet category from "Laser weapons", which lack that magnetic field weakness, but have their own drawbacks.

But there ARE EASERs?

Particle Beam Weapons are also not necessarily Plasma weapons. It could just be an Ion, and particles accelerated quickly.

Ever hear of "free-electron" lasers?

Edited by KASASpace
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Free Electron lasers use electrons as the lasing medium, but the electrons dont leave the weapon. It's like the difference between black powder gun and a gunpowder gun- they have different shot caracteristics, power and velocity and such, but in the end, it's still a piece of lead coming to put a hole in you.

"A free-electron laser (FEL), is a type of laser that shares the same optical properties as conventional lasers such as emitting a beam consisting of coherent electromagnetic radiation that can reach high power, but that uses some very different operating principles to form the beam. Unlike gas-, liquid-, or solid-state lasers such as diode lasers, in which electrons are excited in bound atomic or molecular states, free-electron lasers use a relativistic electron beam that moves freely through a magnetic structure,[1] hence the term free electron as the lasing medium.[2][not in citation given] The free-electron laser has the widest frequency range of any laser type, and can be widely tunable,[3] currently ranging in wavelength from microwaves, through terahertz radiation and infrared, to the visible spectrum, ultraviolet, and X-ray.[4]"


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Free Electron lasers use electrons as the lasing medium, but the electrons dont leave the weapon. It's like the difference between black powder gun and a gunpowder gun- they have different shot caracteristics, power and velocity and such, but in the end, it's still a piece of lead coming to put a hole in you.

"A free-electron laser (FEL), is a type of laser that shares the same optical properties as conventional lasers such as emitting a beam consisting of coherent electromagnetic radiation that can reach high power, but that uses some very different operating principles to form the beam. Unlike gas-, liquid-, or solid-state lasers such as diode lasers, in which electrons are excited in bound atomic or molecular states, free-electron lasers use a relativistic electron beam that moves freely through a magnetic structure,[1] hence the term free electron as the lasing medium.[2][not in citation given] The free-electron laser has the widest frequency range of any laser type, and can be widely tunable,[3] currently ranging in wavelength from microwaves, through terahertz radiation and infrared, to the visible spectrum, ultraviolet, and X-ray.[4]"


Yes, I saw the article. So, what WOULD block a laser?

I remember reading up that Earth's Electromagnetic Field is a major part in the protection of Earth from radiation. So, could it at least help?

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Yes, I saw the article. So, what WOULD block a laser?

I remember reading up that Earth's Electromagnetic Field is a major part in the protection of Earth from radiation. So, could it at least help?

A magnetic field can only protect versus charged particles. Light isn't a charged particle, you might be able to cause some deflection by rapidly alternating a magnetic field to create interference, but that's not really feasible.

Best protection against a laser is something with a high heat capacity and high reflectivity. If you attack someone with a laser you're essentially heating them faster than they can cool themselves until structural failure occurs. So to protect against it you want to absorb as little of the energy as possible and use the time window this gives you to either dodge the laser or kill the aggressor.

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Yes, I saw the article. So, what WOULD block a laser?

I remember reading up that Earth's Electromagnetic Field is a major part in the protection of Earth from radiation. So, could it at least help?

That's Alpha Particle radiation, which is, as you said, hydrogen and helium ions. What protects from the dangerous parts of the EM spectrum is the atmosphere, which is opaque to Xrays and Gamma rays. (and as long as the ozone is in good shape, a good part of the UV spectrum, too.

Which brings us back to anti-laser weapons- Aerosols, Sandcasters, and "Hide behind a big rock" shield technoligies.

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A magnetic field can only protect versus charged particles. Light isn't a charged particle, you might be able to cause some deflection by rapidly alternating a magnetic field to create interference, but that's not really feasible.

specifically, you're trying to generte your own laser (see the free electron article) to destructively interfere with the attacking one (like noise canceling headphones) when you cant see the laser coming or predict it's frequency. So effectively impossible.

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I remember reading up that Earth's Electromagnetic Field is a major part in the protection of Earth from radiation. So, could it at least help?

No. What will limit a laser's utility is the atmosphere. Just shooting through air sucks a lot of the power and scatters the beam, but suspended water vapour, particulates, etc will also reduce effectiveness. Which is why people on this thread have repeatedly mentioned smoke. In combat smokescreens aren't just there to block visual observation, they're also designed to be effective against things like thermal imagers and laser rangefinders.

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You guys bicker back and forth about how much you know, and all I see is spelling error here, spelling error there...

Kryten has a long history on these forums of posting informative and well written responses. It is obvious to me from that history that Kryten has a solid background in space technology. I am willing to forgive an occasional spelling mistake and focus on what is being said.

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Kryten has a long history on these forums of posting informative and well written responses. It is obvious to me from that history that Kryten has a solid background in space technology. I am willing to forgive an occasional spelling mistake and focus on what is being said.

From what I've seen, he's just a rude guy who thinks inside the box too often. As I believe:

Thinking inside the box is what will destroy humanity. The only way to accelerate our development of ANY technology or ideology is to to think outside the box. As we do this, the box grows.

And as such: People who are not willing to accept that some things are wrong and some things might be wrong shouldn't discuss what they are talking about. and thinking inside the "box" will destroy us, because of the necessity to expand.

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You guys bicker back and forth about how much you know, and all I see is spelling error here, spelling error there...

And have we covered painting the ship silver and polishing it to a mirror finish?

spelling errors come in because we are too focused on the heat of the argument.

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Hmm, onto the topic of the thread:

Smoke would "diffuse" to quickly in a vacuum. But it would be effective in the atmosphere.

How about a transparent outer hull, with an opaque liquid between it and the inner hull. The liquid would absorb the laser hit and disperce the heat into convection curents.

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How about a transparent outer hull, with an opaque liquid between it and the inner hull. The liquid would absorb the laser hit and disperce the heat into convection curents.

How transparent should the hull be?

It would be heavy, too.

Perhaps Depleted Uranium and polymers (many hydrogen based polymers are better than metals of the same density at blocking radiation) with an active cooling system?

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Thinking inside the box is what will destroy humanity. The only way to accelerate our development of ANY technology or ideology is to to think outside the box.

Does the box represent presenting evidence for assertions? Or perhaps lack of blatant goalpost-moving?


Perhaps Depleted Uranium and polymers (many hydrogen based polymers are better than metals of the same density at blocking radiation) with an active cooling system?

DU blocks gamma radiation, polymers block charged particle radiation, this thread is about neither. EM radiation and nuclear radiation aren't the same thing.

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Does the box represent presenting evidence for assertions? Or perhaps lack of blatant goalpost-moving?


DU blocks gamma radiation, polymers block charged particle radiation, this thread is about neither. EM radiation and nuclear radiation aren't the same thing.

The box is our understanding of the universe. What happened when Newton saw that apple fall and look up at the moon? He asked a question. And to solve said question, he had to think outside the box.

And it's not to "block" but to absorb the energy.

And did you know that light pushes things? UH OH, photons have mass.

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And how exactly does a laser destroy things?

Photons have momentum, but not mass.

A laser destroys in different ways. It can burn a hole by focusing a lot of energy on one point, but what if the point is spinning around an external axis?

photons do have mass, otherwise it would be impossible for them to push us, as the lack of inertia would not allow this.

Ever hear of a solar sail?

Edited by KASASpace
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A laser destroys in different ways. It can burn a hole by focusing a lot of energy on one point...

But of course the energy has to be absorbed for that to work; what you're apparently trying to make happen.

photons do have mass, otherwise it would be impossible for them to push us, as the lack of inertia would not allow this.

Forces are caused by change in momentum, not inertia. I thought you claimed to understand quantum physics? That'd require at least some knowledge of relativity; of which you hardly need a lot to understand photons having mass is nonsense.

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A laser destroys in different ways. It can burn a hole by focusing a lot of energy on one point, but what if the point is spinning around an external axis?

The point you are missing is that 'absorbing' and 'blocking' are the same thing.

And if you spin the ship, I simply use a pulse laser - actually, I use a pulse laser anyway because they are much more dangerous - to get a very high intensity. If you spin the ship quickly enough that I can't blow holes in your hull with a pulse laser, then you either have such a tech advantage that I shouldn't have got into this fight to begin with, or you've engineered your ship to survive laser strikes so I'm going to throw missiles at it instead. Good luck mounting point defense weapons or a whipple shield on a rapidly spinning hull.

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