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Curiosity 5--Jedi Space Program Mission To Duna [IMAGE HEAVY]

The Jedi Master

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With the disappointment that was Project: ARES, I decided to be smart this time and complete the mission before writing a report. Well, it's half completed--they still need to get back! But in any case, this is the story of my first REAL Duna landing...

211 AU (After Union)

"Five... four... three... two... one... liftoff!"


This is the Duna Tripper 6. Bought off the Spacecraft Exchange back in 192 AU, it was used improperly the first time, and left abandoned for nearly twenty years. Now, it is dragged out of the shop to serve it's true purpose. To land three kerbals on the surface of Duna!

Crewing the flight:

Luvis Kerman

Rank: Mission Commander

Duties: Give orders to the crew, step on the surface, plant the flag.

Survival Instinct: None

Sidmy Kerman

Rank: Pilot

Duties: Fly the ship

Survival Instinct: Moderate

Richlin Kerman

Rank: Head Scientist

Duties: Study the surface, keep the crew in good health

Survival Instinct: High


Sidmy turns to Luvis. "We have Kerbin escape, sir."

"Good. How long until the Duna transfer burn?"

"About a week, sir."

"All right. This will be a long trip..."



Luvis is not happy. He looks at Sidmy.

"A hundred-ten days?! That's more than three months!"

"Hey, it's out of my hands now. If we kept burning, we might lose the encounter."

Richlin pokes his head in. "And that's the best we can get with current technology. There are limits to JSP tech, you know."

"Well, in that case..." The commander sighs. "I guess we'll just have to deal with it. Richlin, what are your health recommendations?"

"Oh, basically what you learned during the briefing--exercise, hydration and lots of snacks."

"All right... this is going to be a long ride..."

I'm a bit exhausted from the landing sequence, so that's all for now. The next chapter will be longer!

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