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Showing off my latest crazy docking project. The Ring Station


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I made a similar ring station back in 0.19, but instead of 2 pieces I had to launch all 6 ones separately and dock them. You can see where my docking rings failed to dock on the bottom of the pic because KSP doesn't like to form closed docking loops for multiple crafts.


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I made a similar ring station back in 0.19, but instead of 2 pieces I had to launch all 6 ones separately and dock them. You can see where my docking rings failed to dock on the bottom of the pic because KSP doesn't like to form closed docking loops for multiple crafts.

I did launch all six pieces separately! It was a bit of a chore to get the angles right. Strangely enough all of the docking ports are actually attached too. I've noticed the game seems to remember the last stress you put on the ports when you dock, so sometimes they don't lock perfectly aligned. If they're all at identical angles, and you dock them straight enough, you can get them all to attach. Do you have any pictures of your launch vehicle?

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