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An option to Update your Mod Without be in the newests list.

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I made mods and i update them often due to their developements. I saw my mod be resfreshed in the newests list each time i modify something on 1of my spaceport mod page. They are a way to modify your mod regulary without spamming that newest list unvolountary ? Like an option to enable before updating your mod ?

Exemple: I made 5 quick mods with random pics for them. 1 day later, i update my pics for ''better ones''. Results; i monopolised the newest list. Something i wont and something i wont get troubles with it.

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Hello there :)

Spaceport is being completely rewritten for various reasons (the current chaos being one). Thanks to the great sum of changes, it is unlikely that any suggestions made at this point will still be relevant when Spaceport 2 is deployed. If they are, they can then be posted again.

I'm closing this now.


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