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Streaming help.

Captain Sierra

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I've oofficially decided to start streaming KSP. I'm TRYING to run a test right now but I seem to be having a bug where XSplit will not record my audio so you can't hear me.

1) if someone could go to my channel so I can test it there, that would be a huge help.

2) If anyone here could point out a possible fix, great.

I am not using the paid version of XSplit. my twitch page is here: http://www.twitch.tv/captsierra

Note: please don't move this to support. the kind of people knowledgeable about streaming stuff won't ever find it there.

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This is a tad out of left field, but if you havent looked into it yet, OBS is a completely free streaming program that has a lot more features than the free version of Xsplit.

most notably the game capture option, that captures frames directly from the game which i think you need to pay for on xsplit.

OBS link: http://obsproject.com/

Another tool i find really cool is "Untamed now playing"

its a chrome extension that can grab song titles from sites like pandora or grooveshark or whatever you may use for music and display them in your stream.


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