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The Aeris 5 Series

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Hi folks,

I really like the Aeris series of aircraft, so I thought with the advent of the new crew selections system and planned training system, I'd update the Aeris series with 4 new aircraft.


The Kerbal Escape Sytem - Safety is everything in the KSP, apparently, so all the new craft feature an escape system. Simply pull the ejection handle (mash spacebar) and all kerbals will be fired safely away from the aircraft and parachuted to the ground. (Only works in atmosphere!)

Aeris 5

The lead ship of the Aeris series updated with new under slung RCS tank and the Kerbal Escape System. Capable of reaching at least 110km and able to dock with a standard clamp-o-tron docking port. With a refuel I suspect this could be able to visit and orbit the moons of kerbin, maybe even land, but I need to verify this.


Aeris 5T

A two seat training version of the Aeris 5. It sacrifices the docking capability to enable an instructor to sit behind the student in the front seat. Capable of an orbit of 75 - 80 km.


Aeris 5A

This small, maneuverable, atmospheric version of the Aeris is perfect for a first solo or a Sunday morning blast around the mountains.


Aeris 5AT

The two seat version of the Aeris 5A perfect for training new recruits in principles of flight, what a plane looks like etc.


Edited by Danger2007
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I've pasted in the how to from the spaceport below:

Action groups:-

1 - Start jet engines.

2 - Kill jet engines and close all intakes.

3 - Start rocket motors.

4 - Kill rocket motors and open all intakes.

In the event of an emergency mash space bar.

To attain orbit in the Aeris 5 and Aeris 5 T follow these steps:

- Accelerate on full power and once off the run way pitch up to 45 degrees nose up.

- On passing through 5000m nose down to 20 degrees.

- Continue to climb and build speed until you reach 20000m and then switch to the rocket engine, turning off the jets.

- Pitch up to 45 degrees nose up until your AP reaches 35km.

- Pitch back down to 20 degrees nose up until your AP reaches 70+ km and then kill the engine.

- Upon reaching your AP circle-rise your orbit in the normal manor. You should have fuel left for a small return burn.

- While descending split your remaining fuel between the two outboard tanks.

- Engage your jets around 10000 and glide / low power cruise back too the KSC.


- A shallow re-entry will allow you to hold more speed and "glide" back to KSC. It will also reduce the amount of engine power needed and stretch your remaining fuel further.

- Quicksave before landing!! I learned this the hard way!!

Edited by Danger2007
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