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Modular Rover With 130+ pre-made modules, and optional Kethane support


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So I wanted to make a modular rover where you could just click the modules together that you wanted and go. But I also wanted a rover where it could do something more than just gather data. So I went about making a durable rover capable of handling large loads for the most flexibility in the modules. It of course had to be as light as possible so i could actually get it to where I wanted to go, and I soon found out it also had to be balanced so that it wouldn't roll the craft while landing.

The result?


And from above:


It comes with 1610 Power, 800 xenon, a headlight, 2 solar panels and 2 1x6 deployable panels and weighs in at only 2 tons but:


Yep it can handle turning 90 degrees while moving 36 tons down the launch ramp and up the 2 steep rail ramps without blowing any of it's 4 light duty buggy wheels because of the way it was designed. The trick is that there are node joints where flexibility is needed and welds where strong joints count the most. Making for a very robust vehicle.

It's also well balanced which is crucial for low gravity roving. Here is a pic showing the rover being balanced while using the light lander modules on the sides:


There are over 130 modules so far if you include the Kethane ones. Here is a pic of Some of them:


And from another angle:


The modules just snap on the rover. You don't need to worry about fuel line placement or anything, Just snap them together and launch. :) I've also created 4 engines that are capable of multiple speeds for the rovers. Here is one rover configured for speed and uses all 4 of them:


To show what the rover can do I set out for a small-ish base expedition about 45km or so SW of the launchpad. Here is a pic of the modules used:


At the beach at last, And the base is set up and all panels deployed:


Also notice that this pic is showing off the cranes ability to drop it's attachment and be used to dock to other craft to transfer resources or to just maneuver modules precisely.

The best part about the modules is that they can be airlifted in and used. Here is my solar cargoplane dropping around 2 tons of fuel:


I also have included a Lander that can drop 10 rovers without stacking them with minimal supplies, or 2 with a good amount of supplies. Additionally I have included my Asparagus Tanks Orbiter. If you combine all of this with my Bundles of Asparagus Bundle, there are not many (if any) places you can't get one of these rovers to.

There is also Kethane support!:


Required Mods: (Well sort of... You technically don't need these because the modules are a .craft file and the ones that require the mods below simply won't load in if you don't have these. But there are a bunch of stock modules and the rover itself is stock as well. But to use everything you need these...)

All the modules currently use the Subassembly Manager plugin.

Infernal Robotics are used for the moving bits and wheel washers.

Dromoman For the main crane and various winch mounts.

Kerbal Attachment System Used the winches and winch adapters/connectors.

Recommended mods:

Kethane You need this to use the Kethane pack.

Docking Port Alignment Indicator There are a lot of docking ports here you know. ;)

And finally the Files:

Modular Rover

Kethane Pack

Once you have Subassembly Manager installed just extract these where KSP.exe resides.

Edited by ouch
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You really outdid yourself. I am not one to try craft files usually, but I was really curious how you set up your suspension. I didnt think of putting one beam on the docking port as I didnt know they were so pliable with surface attach. I can finally build my 10 ton mobile fustek modules.

However when I mean you outdid yourself, you made things too flexible, too capable - you'll never reach the full capability of the system as there is so many combinations. For example, two xeon tanks come standard, but ion engines do not. The part count is enormous. Every part has half a dozen some solar panels and docking ports it feels like. Keep it simple, keep solar panels and batteries on power moduels, circles of docking and fuel lines ports for the user to add only when needed. Not as inpressive surely, but it make it easier, after all we are already used to slapping parts on as we need them.

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Well, all the modules were made with the idea that it's far easier to take stuff off than it is to put them on. So you can just pluck a few panels/small batteries off here and there to get your part counts down to where you would like them to be.

All the modules are categorized within Subassembly Manager according to their intended purpose. But I can Highlight a few of the standout modules.

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Holy part count batman.

Nice design. I've always loved super utility designs that can do tons of things depending what you attach.

My only worry is that if used on a base or something that already has an iffy number of parts, this thing will destroy framerate.

The rover itself seems relatively light on parts but some things like your kethane attachments seem to have obscene numbers of largely useless ports and KAS nodes, but perhaps it's just me.

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I've been getting back into ksp and noticed a lot of these modules no longer work as a lot of stuff has changed. Would anyone be interested in this if I updated everything?

Otherwise I'm just going to update what I need and leave the rest.

btw, the rover still works as good as it used too which is pretty awesome. I tried out the karbonite mod with a rover mission to some hotspots and I gave it a beating and it still got there as always. I just love how robust this rover is. No matter how many times I've tried, I have yet to build a better rover than this one and thus still use it as my main workhorse for over a year later.

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