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Fuel mapping and resource display on design phaze.

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I am a newcommer to the game, but some things got ovious after a 3 days of gameplay.

This is that at moment, you got no clue on how much resources are you carrying at times.

What id like to see is an overlay map of color, to what resource is stored in which tanks, also, if this overlay is opted in, it would also show a number ontop of that tank, telling what resource and how much of it it is storing.

It could also show overall amounts for total ship/rocket.

With rockets also comes that sometimes I ran out of electricity, so showing the storage and regeneration rates would come in handy, so i could build selfsustaining powersystems.

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Hi JHawx,

This is in the not to suggest list.

Here are a few tips:

In flight, on the top right corner, you have the resource button that can allow you to do everything you ask for (in flight).

In the Editor, there isn't much but you can simply make quick maths in your head as you build your rockets. also all the info is display on the description on the parts.

there are two mode that can help you get more info about your rocket without making maths:

Kerbal engineer Redux


Also in the last few KSP Weekly, Mike (Mu) have said he is working on the editor to improve it (and it's why improving the editor is on the what not to suggest list). Hopefully we will have more info display when the new editor will be release.

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