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Duna Navigator - Duna Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture Challenge [Image Heavy]

Speeding Mullet

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Duna Navigator - Duna Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture Challenge


Outpost and Mission Concepts:

The Duna Navigator mission will develop across two fronts: Duna surface, and Duna orbit. The idea is to simultaneously build up a large mobile surface base and a functional space port in operation on and around the planet. This plan should realise efficiency in the long term in terms of crew mass transits, forward operating missions from Duna etc. as well as provide added redundancy and safety in general.

With that in mind each space station segment will either contain emergency 65 day supplies for the maximum occupancy, or a large supply tank with long term habitation in mind. Each ground based module is independently fully mobile with 4 wheel steering and massive articulation for rough ground. Each ground module also has individual leveling systems which can be used to make sure the Kermans enjoy a safe, stable place to live instead of walking around everywhere on a slant.

I will also be making use of spare launch slots for 'hole shot missions' (HSM). These use the superior lifting capability of the main launch vehicle to boost small packages straight to Duna without the need for an IPT. They can also be used to send supplies in a high energy off window mission in emergency.

As the resource shift grows within Duna's sphere of influence, the idea is to extend the mission plan long term, moving from infrastructure boosts, through population and supply and into ease of access for any Kerman to have a go. If the plan is successful then mirror missions to other bodies could be a consideration.

Detailed Mission Schedule:


Extended Mission Schedule and key:


Common Components:

Launch Vehicle: The Compass Heavy is a three stage, 26 ton to 75km reusable launch vehicle. Only the small upper stage deorbits itself to burn up in the atmosphere, so the rocket is almost completely reusable with the first two stages making a parachute landing.


IPTSP: Interplanetary Tug and Science Package: Each fully reusable IPTSP contains enough delta v for the round trip plus off window redundancy, and ample delta-v left over for in system maneuvers like visits to Ike, changing space station orbit characteristics etc. Each tug also delivers a small ion powered science package, or satellite, or wifi or whatever the Kermans demand.


HSM: Hole Shot Mission(s): An example HSM below, but basically small individual packages sent direct to Duna without the need of an IPTSP, making use of those odd launch windows for a one way supply trip, delivery of a new DAV and so on.


KFT: Kerbin Fuel Truck: Just a wholesale maximum weight boost of fuel. Each fuel truck can refuel an entire IPTSP. (awaiting picture)

DFP: Duna Fuel Post: Duna fuel posts are normally launched in pairs 39 days apart, doubling up in LKO before a single IPTSP pushes 2x26 ton modules to Duna for addition to the space station. They provide the fuel to make the DAV's capable of multiple trips to and from the surface of Duna, clearing the way for the crew train system. (awaiting picture)

Crew Train: The Crew Train is revolutionary for ease of access to Duna. It allows mass transportation to and from the space station in extreme comfort. It is launched in 1 section, but breaks down into 2 parts, each capable of supporting 6 crew, with expansive living areas. In emergencies, each segment is capable of supporting up to 8 for an extended time. The crew train represents a real shift from infrastructure boosts, through population and supply and into ease of access. It also frees up future launch for the next phase in the program, Base 2.0. (under development)

Launched Outpost Modules & Payloads:

KDSSDEV: Kerbin Departure Space Station Descent Exploration Vehicle: This provides the first module of both the ground and orbital bases. The space station provides emergency support should something go wrong with minimal infrastructure on the ground. The idea is that the initial 4 kermans can ride the DAV to dock with the space station and await the next IPT without long term mission rules being broken.

The ground based part of the mission supplies living room for 4 Kermans in a fully mobile four wheel base.


KDCMSSDEV: Kerbin Departure Cupola Module Science/Storage Descent Exploration Vehicle: A Cupola module for the space station, because fights keep breaking out over the small portholes. For the ground based vehicle, a little storage, as well as a science bay and living bay for 2 further Kermans.


KDCHLRDEV: Kerbin Departure Connection Hub Living Room Descent Exploration Vehicle: A connectivity hub for future expansion of the space station (not pictured). For the ground a pointless living room with big shiny windows, and space for 4 more Kermans.


KDSSSMSDEV: Kerbin Departure Space Station Science Module Storage Descent Exploration Vehicle: A science module and massive extension for the space station. For the ground room for a few more in the form of kitchen and living quarters with a bit of storage


KDSSLSSDEVS: Kerbal Departure Space Station Long Service Section Descent Exploration Vehicles: Another large module for the space station. For the ground, two small identical exploration vehicles with supplies and room for three in each, adding to the mobility of the main mobile base, and later the Extra Large Frontier Outposts.


Base 2.0: Extra Large Frontier Outpost The Base 2.0 is revolutionary for the program. It is a mass produced and rugged static base with expansive internal areas designed to be dropped wherever a long term science objective is discovered. It is serviced by the DAV's, and will quite commonly have 2 small rovers assigned to it for mobile capability. With very little modification on the factory floor the Base 2.0 can be converted for use on Ike.



Given a fully completed mission with no emergencies, scoring should be as follows:

Primary Scores:

Early Mission Value: 882

Early Mission NIMLKO: 13 launches, 338 tons

Early Mission Efficiency: 2.61

Sustained Mission Value: 6336

Sustained Mission NIMLKO: 26 launches, 676 tons

Sustained Mission Efficiency: 9.37

Achievement Scores:

Mission Execution - 3

Crew Mobility - 2

Base Mobility - 2

Crew Safety - 1

Mission Robustness - 2


Mods used so far (as I find them in my designs): MechJeb, KW Rocketry, Crew Manifest, Procedural Fairings, Chatterer (doesn’t affect craft performance),

Other notes: I will be updating this mission report as I progress through the Duna Navigator Mission Schedule. Please feel free to check in for updates on the latest progress!

Edited by Speeding Mullet
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Thanks yeah like the sci-fi look, I'd like to concentrate more on that next time I started with every intention of realism in looks and it went out the window as my plans grew grander!

The first two HSM missions are currently coasting to Duna. I'm going to update this thread tomorrow once I have boosted the next five payloads to LKO, and documented the arrival of the first two automated payloads.

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About 283 days have elapsed since the first launch of the program. The first two Hole Shot Missions successfully completed their burns, with about 8 hours separation on the projected arrival time.

The supply mission was the first to arrive in system, performing a perfect aero capture into a stable 224km orbit.


The DAV arrived a matter of hours after, taking up a slightly larger orbit to avoid collision.


During aero capture some interesting sink hole like features are recorded, and it is agreed that potential landing sites will be mapped out by the science packages when the first of the IPTSP's arrives on the next transfer.


Jeb and Bob in the first crewed ship anxiously await their transfer window. Once the burn is out of the way they know it's 65 days of Grand Theft Kerbal ahead of them, and with plenty of room to kick about the only thing worrying Jeb is whether they've got enough krisps and koke.


Three separate modules chasing each other on the path out to Duna make up the second package of flights. Hopefully they are spread out enough to handle at the other end.


In the next update I should be deorbiting (or violently deconstructing) the supplies, DAV's, and the first couple of sections of the ground and orbital bases.

Edited by Speeding Mullet
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I didn't get as far as I'd liked this evening, mostly because I didn't realise how much work it was to fly three separate missions at the same time. The second round of payloads with the first crewed missions were safely injected into transfer. I managed to spread out the arrival time of each payload by about 12 hours per ship, giving me plenty of time to get it right.


The aerocaptures were faultless, each ship sliding perfectly into a stable equatorial orbit. Some of the views from low altitude were pretty incredible:


Once in a stable orbit Jeb and Bob had ample opportunity to take in the view from 225km:


The science package is released from the IPTSP, and deploying it's solar panels and antennae makes it's way slowly down to LDO to begin surface mapping and confirmation of suitable landing sites.


From high altitude the mapping satellite spots some more areas of scientific interest, including what looks to be a series of massive sink holes. It should get a much closer look over the next 6 or so hours.


The IPTSP, now void of it's science package, undocks and turns retrograde to begin the process of constructing the LDO hub at 45km.


There is plenty for the crew to do over the next 12 hours. The final payload of the second transfer will be arriving in six hours, and Jeb is hoping to have both DAV's and the supply pod on the ground before it arrives in system.


Once the final payload has arrived the crew will begin the hairy process of deorbiting themselves. They will then have to rendezvous the land train modules, hopefully near some supplies!

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You should look at Kerbal Alarm Clock. It's perfect for helping to manage all those flights and make sure you don't miss a burn somewhere!

I think the toughest part is trying to land everything accurately and within a few hundred meters of each other. Although, with mobile pieces that's not so important!

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Back on track, Neillorf and Harwise have reentered regular space and arrived in Duna orbit. It's looking rather busy now so it's the big deorbit day today. Plenty happening in system with mapping, orbital construction, and landing components and supplies to take care of. First up the IPTSP makes its transfer to a low orbit with the cupola module for the space station:


Docking is an easy process, with the IPTSP's using their fine control to guide the components together while whipping around Duna:


Once docking is complete both IPTSP's slide away from the space station and, burning prograde, take up their resident positions at high altitude ready to assist where necessary, or await transfer out of the system. The space station is starting to take shape now, but it's still along way to becoming the orbital hub that is promised down the line:


While swinging out to high altitude once of the IPTSP's deploys another science package. This one is purposed to communicating with incoming ships, and also studying the planets climate from high altitude and providing pretty pictures:


The probe skimming the upper atmosphere has done it's job, and following up on the sighting of a series of massive sinkholes has found a landing site. It looks challenging enough, the ships will have to come in over those mountains before dipping down onto the plane but we think it's doable:


The first of the craft adjust's orbit and completes it's high altitude burn.


Shedding the protective shield, it deploys the drogue's and rapidly sheds speed on the approach.




After the success of the first landing Duna becomes a symphony of orbital adjustments and deorbit burns as the rest of the craft make their way down to the landing site. First the two DAV's make their way in:


Followed by the first components of the land train:




Phew, everything on the ground safe and sound. Every single landing was less than hectic when it came down to it. the oversize heat shields, parachutes, and retro engines did their jobs wonderfully and provided soft landings well within safety margins. Accuracy was also very high with each vehicle landing within a 3km radius. With the first two land modules connected together Jeb takes a few minutes to survey the scene. What a landing site, plenty to do, and with 35 days until the next launch plenty of time to explore the surrounding areas and pick suitable locations for static bases.


It is agreed to wait out the night, and start the shake down of the equipment in the morning, so the base set up for the night by the supply drop, and deploys it's legs to provide an excellent stable platform.


Morning arrives, and the land train with 8 wheel steering and drive makes it's way to a high vantage point. The capability is better than anyone thought possible.:


The engineers really did their homework on this one, and mission plans suddenly seem a little safe. Harwise and the crew deploy the stability system and spend the rest of the day pouring over the mapping information and deciding on new and dangerous routes to nowhere in particular:


The next scheduled flights are for the return journey for the first two IPTSP's, and the Duna leg for the next 4 components. It will also see the inaugural launch of the crew train - designed to ferry crew to and from Duna in incredible style and luxury and make the leap to ease of access.

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I haven't gotten around to launching the next mission yet, as the land train performed so well in trials that it was decided an advance mission should be performed while waiting for the next arrivals.

After the long climb up onto the step the route becomes apparent right between the line of sinkholes and to the top of the peak:


The crew park up to recharge by one of the shallower sinkholes. Harwise is super excited to get going. He's not told Neillorf that he's been practicing his off road driving back on Kerbin. Harwise is thinking of a cup of tea in the sprawling luxury of the land train:


Harwise takes things nice and slow at first:


He knew that the landtrain would be able to handle the steep gradient, down into the bowl, and up the other side:



Driving back down into the flat lands it quickly becomes apparent they are less than flat. The landings might not have gone so smoothly if any of the ships had come in too shallow:


A postcard from Duna, and beautiful view of the valley:


Swinging by one of the DAVs on the way back to base:


It was a great first ground mission proper for the crew, and a number of suitable landing locations have been found for the static bases. Next update will be more flying. This is the first time I've actually 'roved' on a planet in ksp and it was good fun. In this last image you can see just how ideal the landing location is. So much geology to take in, and plenty to occupy them until the next crew gets in. You can also see the space station in the background skimming just above the atmosphere:


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I am now just shy of day 601. This update covers a whole mission cycle to Duna, and features the return of the first two IPTSP's to LKO for reuse. It also features the launch of the much fabled 'crew train' which I will get to shortly. I won't include launches and injection burns in the updates any more as it will bog the thread down a little too much when there's plenty more interesting things going on.

The crew train is designed to operate between Kerbin and Duna as a rapid modular shuttle. Each crew train is two modules joined together for launch, each containing space for 6 with enough supplies to cover two trips. The first flight is actually empty as it will initially provide a return capability for the first and second missions. Multiple units can be joined together to be pushed by an IPTSP:


The IPTSP return paths are seen in this image as well as the outgoing paths for the crew train, KDCHLRDEV, and KDSSSMSDEV:


The IPTSP inbound, and a successful aerocapture:



The ships arrive in system:




and the docking and deorbiting fest begins once again. First up the two space station modules are joined providing a massive expansion for the orbital platform in the form of a large science module, and a connectivity hub:


The crew train approaches and docks with the space station:



Descent of the land train modules is nice and easy as normal, touching down a few hundred meters from the main base:



The crews one and two united on the ground:



One of the IPTSP's delivers a science package on a loop around Ike, providing important mapping capability to pick out locations for the Ike base which is rapidly approaching completion in the factory:



The next update will be a while as I'm right up to date and have to find time away from rl to fly them, but I will try and get it together asap. I'm pleased with the way the mission is progressing so far, and should soon be at mission execution 3!

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  • 2 months later...

So this will be the final update taking us from day 601 to 1021. RL has got in the way of finishing this off, and in the end it took a whole weekend to complete the rest of the mission plan.

I decided not to engage the extended mission schedule which would have taken me up to 1265 days, as after 1021 days of launches, orbital maneuvers, injections, dockings, reentries etc. I've realised that I've learnt all I am going to learn out of this mission set, Namely:

Design things to be aesthetic and functional but please please consider ease of use.

Take the time to actually put function groups in place so you don't have to click on 15 legs and 19 solar panels every time you want to deploy

Long is wobbly

So with that in mind a quick zip through of the final 400 or so days:

Both Kerbin Fuel Trucks launch dock and refuel the IPTSPs before burning up in the atmosphere:



The base 2.0 and KDSSLSSDEVS launch to LKO and dock with the refueled IPTSPs:





With one last look out from the landtrain, which has been the most capable vehicle and biggest success of the whole mission, two of the first crew board the DAV and head for the space station to await the transfer window home. They will be the first crew to try the life support systems in the new crew train, designed to shuffle vegetable matter to and from Duna in style:








The next set of transfers to and from Duna take place:



Arrivals in Kerbin system day 793 FIRST CREW HOME!!!:



Duna Fuel Posts launch and dock together around LKO ready for the push to Duna:


Arrival in Duna system day 809 plus descent entry landings (supple HSMs not shown as have been previously):







Days 835-913 are just repeats of the KFT launches and a HSM launch from earlier and are not shown in order to save on the length of this thread which brings me neatly to day 951 through 1021, mission execution 3, and the return of the rest of the first crew home:




And that is that! I have to say this challenge has easily been the most fun, time consuming, thought provoking, frustrating experience I've ever had in a computer game. Before I took on this mission I was really just chucking huge rockets at planets with no real plan in place (which is fine) so this for me gave the game an entirely new aspect and opened up all sorts of possibilities in terms of how I choose to play the game in the future. Super happy with the result, super happy with the game, and super happy to have this mission out of the way so I can finally update and try out some of the new features everyones been talking about!

Speeding Mullet signing off!

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Always enjoyed reading your updates and congrats on finishing this up. It certainly is a handful of a challenge! I must say as well that your crafts were an inspiration to my second run at this challenge. I thought that the assembled in orbit space-train method would allow large deliveries to Duna, but I found the lag (too many docking ports..??) to be utterly unbearable.

Well done! :D

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Well done! :D

Thanks very much, it's a relief having finished tbh as I've been wanting to do so many other things! I also experience large volumes of lag, I put it down to the amount of parts joining together and my penchant for using lots of lighting! I also demanded high resolution from my laptop which didn't help! Next time I do something like this I'm going with the smaller is better mantra, although it was difficult under the space per kerbal requirements of this challenge. I'll find your thread in a bit and follow.

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  • 5 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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