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The Community Aeronautics and Space Administration: A Community-Driven Space Program

The Jedi Master

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  Captain Sierra said:
These kinds of opinions are what I like to call 'In your head" thoughts. This is not a thread for discussing your opinions of my mission challenges. The OP asked for missions given the indicated tech level. I am certain that does not include you voicing negative opinions in an effort to bolster your own mission. I am going to politely ask you to stop your attempt to insult or otherwise troll.

It was not bolstering my own, it was noting that yours would make this move faster at the cost of being game breaking and senseless. Seriously, unlocking every single part in the 1.25m part size except for the biggest SRB after just having 1 Kerbal ascend to an altitude that can be reached with conventional jet engines? Sorry, rich people aren't that idealistic. Playing the Devil's advocate and pointing out the problems. And I note that my dad agreed with me, so that's 2 people saying your mission doesn't make sense.

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  Fox62 said:
It was not bolstering my own, it was noting that yours would make this move faster at the cost of being game breaking and senseless. Seriously, unlocking every single part in the 1.25m part size except for the biggest SRB after just having 1 Kerbal ascend to an altitude that can be reached with conventional jet engines? Sorry, rich people aren't that idealistic. Playing the Devil's advocate and pointing out the problems. And I note that my dad agreed with me, so that's 2 people saying your mission doesn't make sense.

When did I say 26km? I said to orbit, stable orbit.

There is a MASSIVE difference there.

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Mission 5: Flight of the Valkyrie

Objective: Place one Kerbal into LKO and bring them back to Kerbin safely.

Requirements: Kerbal must survive. May not use 1.25m decouplers on the capsule due to fears of the separation explosives damaging the capsule. Must be at least 70x70 km in orbit size. No reward for sub-orbital flight in this mission. Must have science equipment, said equipment must return safely.

Available Tech: All available tech used for previous missions.

1. LVT-30 Liquid Rocket Motor

2. FLT-800 Fuel Tank

Reward: 70k for orbit with return. +5k for every kilometer closer to KSC when de-orbiting.

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  Captain Sierra said:
When did I say 26km? I said to orbit, stable orbit.

There is a MASSIVE difference there.

I was referring to the Moho-1 Mission. It launched a Kerbal to 26km. I bet you I can build a jet, using stock parts, that can reach that altitude. You wanted to jump straight from that to orbit. Sorry, doesn't work like that.

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  Psycix said:
Well, in that case, you must be right.

I can hear the sarcasm. You do realize that Captain Sierra's mission assumes that rich people are almost stupidly idealistic, right? You didn't see rich people lining up to throw money at the government for the space program when the Mercury missions took off, right? And they did something actually more impressive than the Moho-1 mission. So, sorry, but this, "Screw making sense with tech progression and having them do test missions, we are giving them money!" won't work.

Edited by Fox62
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OK, everyone, calm down. Both sides are in the wrong. First, Captain Sierra, your mission indeed doesn't make much sense. First of all, I notice that you wrote it before we even had liquid fuel--which, at my skill level, would make an 80 km orbit impossible. Also, I bought all the tech the mission offers. So, yeah. Second, Fox62, while I agree with you, an appeal to popularity ("my dad agrees with me") is a fallacy.

I'm working on Wings of the Valkyrie now. Please don't derail this thread. Please.

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Another Failure: Moho 2 Goes Out Of Control


KSC--Last night, the Moho 2, carrying Jebediah Kerman, was launched. It was the first rocket to have a Launch Escape System, or LES. However, during the gravity turn, the ship lost control. This has been attributed to a lack of fins on the craft. The LES fired, but the more powerful main rocket held the capsule in place. Luckily, the capsule did eventually detach, and Jebediah survived.

Critics call this another example of how CASA has no ground to stand on. They say that the money of the people funding the program would be better spent elsewhere. Gene Kerman responded with this statement:

"We dream of having kerbals in space, just as you do. This cannot be done overnight. Last night's failure has only strengthened CASA's resolve. We will put a kerbal in orbit. Just not today."

Gah! More money wasted! Must remember fins next time!

Edited by The Jedi Master
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----- CONFIDENTIAL -----

- FROM: US Communication, Logistics and Pigeon Command, Experimental Section

- TO: CASA, Commercial Contracts Office

Following recent budget cuttings, the UCLPC is no longer able to afford the high costs of breeding, growing and mantaining a full fleet of homing pigeons on constant alert, but with some creative accounting we managed to gather the money to fund a study on the use of satellites as active radio relays.

Our proposal:

- The building of a satellite, provided with two low gain and an high gain umbrella antenna;

- The launch of such a satellite into an equatorial orbit, with an altitude comprised between 75 and 85 km;

- The incorporation in such a design of a Graviometer and a Thermoter, to study the effect of external conditions on artificial satellites.

To give us the time to gather data and send enough test transmissions, the satellite must be operative for an unprecised number of orbits, so we are issuing you with a state-of-the-art solar panel, model OX-STAT.

For this contract, we are ready to pay $K 15,000 in advance, to fund the satellite construction, and another $K 45,000 after receiving the first signal from space.

P.s.: this is indeed a very good idea you had with this thread... Bravo!!!

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Mission 6: Valkyrie 2.0

Outline: Well, the boffins at HQ have decided that they want to go to places like the Mun and Minmus. Unfortunately, the added complexity of these new spacecraft designs makes using a 1 Kerbal Moho spacecraft to deliver the crew in 2, maybe 3, launches far too expensive. Your job is to design a spacecraft using the new, more durable capsule. It's increased size makes it heavier and more cumbersome, so you will need to design a new launcher and Instrument Service Module. Also, the success of the Moho mission has boosted public morale and you have received limited donations from various rich Kerbals, including J. Rockekeller and Steve Kobs.

Donations: 15k one time donation

Available Tech:

1. Mk 1-2 Crew Capsule

2. Rockomax 200-32,16, and 8 fuel tanks

3. Rockomax Poodle and Skipper engines.

4. OX-STAT solar panels

Objective: Put 3 kerbals into a 75km by 75km LKO and return them safely to Kerbin.

Reward: Unlock Big Parts concept, which allows for adding mods that give you bigger parts. Must announce added mod, must unlock part first. 75k kerbits after successful recovery. +5k kerbits if you land in the water of the coast of KSC. +10k if you land in the KSC.

Edited by Fox62
Fail on the reward for landing in the KSC's area.
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Mission 6.1: Let's turn things up a notch, shall we?

Mission: Modify the Valkyrie 2.0 spacecraft to be capable of significant orbital manuevers while still returning to Kerbin. To aid in this, experimental "Stability Augmentation Systems" have been made available to you. These devices assist in guiding the spacecraft by functioning as a primitive autopilot.

Objective: To complete the mission you must make the following manuevers:

1. 10 degree or greater orbital path change. Ie: changing your orbital heading from 90 degrees to 100 degrees.

2. Rendevous with a target spacecraft.

3. increase and then decrease your orbital altitude (this being defined as expanding the circle, such that it is reasonably circular) from 75km to 200km and back again.

4. Deorbit and return to KSC safely.

Kerbits will be rewarded if you go above and beyond specifications. +5k for adjusting orbital heading more than 10 degrees. +2k for getting within 100 meters of a target craft. +6k for increasing orbit altitude past 200km. +1k for every kilometer closer to KSC, -1k for every kilometer away beyond 50km.

Reward: 100k kerbits, 50 prior to completion, 50 after. Unlock Orbital Manuevering, a technology that will eventually lead to MechJeb and Mun missions. Unlock all SAS units. Must use the spacecraft for the Valkyrie 2.0 mission on first attempt. +5k if first attempt is successful.

Edited by Fox62
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Mission 6.2: HAL-LO

The boffins back at HQ have created something really spectacular. They have created the first fully functional Artificial Intelligence system. They see quite a few practical applications, the most relevant of which is using the AI to fly spacecraft. To this end, they have created the AR202 computer. You must test it's flight worthiness.

Objective: Have MechJeb fly an unmanned probe into orbit and back. You will be rewarded based on how much you had MechJeb do, and how well it did it. Mechjeb must complete each manuever to within 0.1 m/s, and you cannot use manual piloting unless MechJeb undergoes a critical failure.

Available Tech:

All previous technologies except for manned capsules.

MechJeb Autopilot.

Reward: 50k regardless of what you do. +1k for every orbital manuever completed, minus climbing to orbit and precision landing at or near KSC.

Edited by Fox62
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Mission 6.3: Ka-chunk

Sheesh the boffins at HQ have been doing a lot. Now they've come up with a means of connecting two spacecraft together. They call it docking. You will start out with the 1.25m docking port. Your mission is to dock two Valkyrie 2.0 spacecraft together in orbit. If you have completed mission 6.2, you cannot have MechJeb along for the ride except for information purposes, due to there being no information on how MechJeb reacts to having a pilot working with him/it. The next mission or two will test this. You have also been given Reaction Control Systems for use when docking.

Objective: Dock a three man spacecraft to a target spacecraft in an orbit 75km in altitude or greater. The crew must return to Kerbin safely. You may not have MechJeb fly any portion of the flight aboard the manned craft, nor the docking sequence for either.

Available Tech:

All previous except the Autopilot features of MechJeb when controlling the manned spacecraft. Use of it to show your orbital parameters and such is fine on the manned craft.

Reaction Control Systems

Reward: 25k for taking on the mission. 50k for successful docking to the target. +2k if you dock two manned craft together instead of docking to a target craft.

Edited by Fox62
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Mission 6.4: A Kerbal and his Computer

HQ has given the greenlight on flight testing a manned spacecraft with MechJeb. Pretty much just make a version of the Moho spacecraft that can do orbital manuevers and then repeat the kind of tests done in Mission 6.2

This is pretty much Mission 6.2 using a one man command pod. Just add +5k for having a Kerbal on it.

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Mission 7: Spacelab-1

HQ says that the NSRO may be catching up. Let's put those chumps in their place. Put a small space station into orbit around Kerbin. It must have a crew of more than one. The station must be capable of supporting multiple kerbals for several days at a time, ideally one month before requiring crew rotation and resupply.

Objective: Put a manned space station into a 75km by 75km orbit. It must have at least two solar panels and a crew of three. The more resources carried, the better.

Available Tech:

PPD- (Whatever dang number it is :P ) Hitchhiker



2-man lander can

All previous technologies

Reward: 75k for completing the mission. +1k for every kerbal above 3, +4k if you have more then 750 units of RCS.

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Mission 7.1: Crew Switcharoo

HQ says that the boys up in the station nee to come home, but they want the station to remain active. As they can only have two astronauts on EVA at one time, an it would be very difficult to co-ordinate a CTV and the station to manuever to remain parked near each other, they have decide that you will dock the CTV to the station for the crew transfer.

Objective: Rotate the full crew of the station, resupply the majority of RCS use by the station.

Available Tech:

All previous

MechJeb Docking Autopilot

Reward: 50k for mission completion.

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From: FutureBase Industries


We have been following the progress of CASA's research and development in rocketry and outer space technology with great interest. At the present time, FBI is working on technologies for long term space travel with the ultimate goal of sending Kerbals to other planets in the system.

As part of those future plans, FBI foresees a need to lift large amounts of fuel into orbit, and eventually to the outer planets, for resupply.

We are now accepting RFQ's (Requests For Quote) for a vehicle capable of lifting two large tanks (which will be the Rockomax 64 size) of fuel to at least a 75KM orbit around Kerbin, with at least two docking ports. Additionally, other consumables for resupply included in the launch will be very much desired, with additional payment considered separately from the basic goal.

FutureBase Industries realizes this is a long term goal and currently beyond the technology available now, but the first word in FBI is "Future" and we're always looking forward to it!

Three months later, FutureBase Industries was caught in an international industrial espionage scandal, passing critical information to the SRO. The FBI founders were arrested and the assets of FBI seized. The United States of Allertse government found that FBI's "plans" amounted to little more than a pile of fancy artist renderings, but the ideas shown were pretty darn cool, especially kicking such huge amounts of fuel into space.
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FROM: KGB@knet.com


We have been watching. The KGB [Kerbal Greatness Bureau] is disappointed at your progress. However, there is a metaphorical 'light' at the end of the metaphorical 'tunnel'. We are willing to provide extra funding if you complete this mission.

The mission is as follows:

You must launch, at night, a spy satellite containing a minimum of one 'umbrella' dish and four 'candycane' antennae. This craft will also contain a power source, and enough power storage to survive the distance across the night side of Kerbin.

The aforementioned satellite will be launched into a Molniya orbit. Information on how to reach this type of orbit can be accessed in this document.

Your reward for this mission will be:

70k for completion.

5k for a 'Soyuz' 'look-alike'

2k for a 'Molniya' satellite 'Look-Alike'

You are allowed to use all parts unlocked up to this point. If you accept this mission, we will be watching.

Edited by Scorpi15
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Mission 7.2: New Stuff

HQ wants more functionality on the station. Attach a second permanent module to the station, preferably with two docking ports to allow the continuation of CT Missions.

All previous tech available.

Reward: 50k if module docked. +5k if module holds 1000 units of monoprop or more. +2k if additional crew can be stored in the new module. +3k if the module holds at least a Rockomax X200-8 fueltank worth of fuel and oxidizer. +5k if module has more than 2 docking ports.

Unlock 2.5m docking ports when completed, must use at least one on the extra module.

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