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UKSSDA Missions 2 and 3: Satellites [IMAGE HEAVY]


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UKSSDA: United Kerbalian Space Systems Development Agency

After the sucessful launch of a Kerbal into orbit (Link:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46515-UKSSDA-Mission-1-To-Orbit!-IMAGE-HEAVY),the Agency decided that they should launch some satellites. After a short disscusion, it was decided that a pair of sats, packed with communication equipment would be launched to reasonably high orbits, one around the equator, one across the poles.

The construction includes a test for the Kerbin Orbit Lifter (KOL) that is still under development (i.e. explodes a lot :P ), that is designed to return the majority of the equipment used intact to the surface, and an experiment in using customised fairings.

The first, intended for a 500km equatorial orbit sits on the launch pad, controlled remotely from Mission Control. The Mission Controller gives the go order. All engines fire as intended, and the launcher lifts into the dusk light over the VAB.


Several stages, and a successful gravity turn later, this monster is what gets into orbit:


A jumbo and a 1/2-jumbo tank, Mainsail, plus the main orbit stage. Slightly too much delta-V perhaps... But that is never a problem.

Utilising the Mainsail, the craft easily achieves the 500km target orbit. Mission Control decouple the Mainsail stage and deorbit it hard.


Due to a lack of power generators (-facepalm- :rolleyes: ) , the RC unit runs out of charge before it reaches the atmosphere, thus unable to activate parachutes. It is utterly destroyed by hitting the ocean at roughly 500m/s. (I was busy controling the decent of the orbit stage to watch it, so no screenshots)

While this is happening, Mission Control deploy the satellite, and de-orbit the final stage. A successful parachute landing leaves the rocket intact.


The satellite orbits around Kerbin, aiding communication to far-flung areas of the globe.


The second satellite, destined for a polar orbit, is launched in the night, adding atmosphere to the launch.


The controllers were worried about the lack of light, but no real space program is without risk. And anyway, the RCU doesn't need to look out the window!

(I was flying the thing on instruments... I managed to crash it more than once. Three cheers for "Revert to Launch" buttons!)

As the rocket left the lower atmosphere, Kerbol rose over the horizon, lighting up the ship from the side, and relieving those worried about dark-side manuvers.


The ship goes directly to a 500km orbit, and drops the Mainsail and it's tank over the North Pole, and prepare for some precice burns.


Meanwhile, the Mainsail burns all it's delta-V to de-orbit almost directly over the Pole. It re-enters in spectacular fashion.


But the four parachutes are not enough, and it slams into the ground, destroyed in it's entirety.


More parachutes required...

Careful orbital manuvers bring the satellite to a near-perfect orbit.


Then Mission Control de-orbit the final stage. It re-enters with a good lightshow. Gotta love re-entry at 2km/s :D


It splashes down safely, and is swiftly recovered by the same ships that recovered Jebediah.


Both satellites are in orbit and fully operational. What next for the UKSSDA? Only they know. Well, thinking about it, they probably don't either.

Edited by Ali_J_101
Picture fail...
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