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Hello fellow space explorers (rarely) and exploders (often)


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I came here in search for help with my Saitek X52pro, but then stayed and lurked around a bit.

I really liked the overall tone of these forums and got a lot of inspiration out of the Spacecraft Exchange.

So I guess it's time for me to say hi!

I've been playing KSP now for about two weeks and it's a blast!

The highlights so far:

Built and subsequently rebuilt a low kerbin orbit space station, with its own overly complicated service tug for the big fueltanks:

Olympus Alpha

Docking is quite hard! But seeing that camera change for the first time after those ports decided to finally like each other, was one of the most gratifying moments I experienced in my (quite long) gaming "career".

Went and built a fueldepot in orbit around the Mün (I'm planning to build a mining base there):

Fuel Depot

And I am now in the process of designing a modular system to move around my future base modules without adding wheels to every single one of them.

I might be a bit ahead of myself there, since I never even attempted to land anywhere.

But that's the great thing about KSP... there's always the next thing to do!


Edited by Zackaresh
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I use the X52 Pro myself... a fine piece of machinery. I have the fire button set as my staging button (equivalent to the spacebar), so that the safety cover prevents me from accidentally pressing it right in the middle of a burn, turning my space explorers into space exploders.

Good luck on your future projects! And click on the ribbon in my signature for a cool little thing you can do.


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I use the X52 Pro myself... a fine piece of machinery.

Yeah I have it set up the same way, but I just can't use it at the moment. I experience severe input delay (1-2 seconds) and random button command repeats. I'll do some tests tonight and post a detailed support request in the appropriate forum here. But after initial research, it seems to be a problem with saiteks 64bit drivers and Unity3D. Problably nothing Squad can do about that.

The ribbon generator looks awesome, thanks for the link.

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Hehe, I on the other hand never even visited the spaceplane hangar. To each his own I guess :-D

Crashed my first base module on the Mün yesterday... I guess trying to savely drop such a big weight spacecrane style is a bit overambitious for my first landing :-D

F9 to the rescue!!

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2 weeks? I haven't even landed on the mun yet! (Sighs) And I've been playing for over a year now!

Good luck and fly well,


CEO of (fictional) Space Company Bio Space Manufacturing Co.

Go to the wiki, and follow the Apollo 11 tutorial.

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