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Squad Should Ask Microsoft For A Free Xbox One Development Kit


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To me it seems like you are just repeating their propaganda. And what is different about games compared to everything else in this world?? We have second hand/used car dealerships as well and no one has any issue with that. We have sites like ebay that earns money on you selling second hand and so on.

And games are not more expensive, they have infact dropped in price if you look at inflation. The price in for example 80-90s was the same except that it was much more money back then since our money has less value now.

And funny how it is mostly just the big greedy companies like EA that keeps pushing out DLC's for extra cash. It is nothing but another excuse to justify their greed. DLC's wont go away just because of digital distribution...

And again I ask.. Why does it not bother you that your games will become unusable after they shutdown the authentication servers?? This has happened again and again over the last years. Meanwhile I can still play games from 80s just fine today as long as I got the hardware.

Simcity 5 will probably vanish completely from history soon and thanks to the DRM always on system piracy might not save it either. Imagine if this was the case with classic movies or music?? Then our generation would not be able to listen to the music the previous generations made.

This is the case with games and most of them will most likely not be resold so next generation will not even be able to play these games which is a big part of todays culture.

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One simple comparison will tell you why KSP can't work on a console without some serious differences:

XBone controller: 14 buttons (almost forgot trigger and shoulder buttons)

KSP key bindings: about 77 (not including duplications of existing keys in different modes, WSAD are counted once, though they're used in multiple scenes)

How many button combos needed to fulfill all those?

Edited by Deadweasel
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KSP on XBox One is an interesting idea, but XBOne is like Windows 8 in my opinion- Microsoft is trying to regain the business that they've been losing to Apple, and in doing so they're only making themselves look foolish. I personally can't see KSP on XBOne, but I won't argue with Squad if they do it. The real question is not whether it's possible to build KSP for XBOne (Unity will have that soon enough), but whether Squad will be willing to do so and if it's even worth it. KSP is very un-optimized and only uses a single core (AFAIK), so even with its impressive CPU I fear for the performance that console players would experience.

Not to mention the lack of buttons on the controllers.

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I heard that the games for the new consoles were going to be pretty much the same as they are now... LIES... Seems like they are around £60 each now. That's the only thing that is putting me off about the Xbox now... but some of the PS4 titles are even MORE expensive.

Edit: Think it might be time to start buying second hand after all... :mad:

Edited by NeoMorph
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  NeoMorph said:
I heard that the games for the new consoles were going to be pretty much the same as they are now... LIES... Seems like they are around £60 each now. That's the only thing that is putting me off about the Xbox now... but some of the PS4 titles are even MORE expensive.

Edit: Think it might be time to start buying second hand after all... :mad:

One could argue that some of PS4's games are more expensive, but the PS4 is also $100 cheaper than the Xbox, and has better specs.

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  Wait, Was That Important? said:
I don't understand why people wouldn't like this. Don't be a ridiculous purist, the console market could be vital to KSP's development future. I for one would love to see this and hope that the KSP dev team puts at least reasonable thought into porting KSP to consoles.

In theory yes.

The problem is in the real wolrd it will probably end up like those other bad examples:

- sales on consoles skyrocket

- focus will be on the console version

- controls etc. will be adapted

- i doubt that they will make their team way bigger all of a sudden

- and just some seconds later PC will just be an afterthought with bad ports and controls

- casuals will complain about mechanics and demand auto-pilots etc.

- also history tells us that too way much money makes people lazy (Notch ...) or corrupts them

Also to be honest KSP is not a good idea as it is now for consoles. Sure there are some hardcore-gamers on consoles yet most of the players are casuals. The problem is that KSPs controls will probably work yet building will be rather annoying without a mouse and what is most important the game-mechanics like orbiting, docking etc. are way too complex for casuals. At least thats what i think. Just look at Mincecraft - from my point of view it got so big becaus it pretty much does what lego does. You can build whatever you want, with the most simple interface and game-mechancs. I doubt one can reduce KSP to such a level without actually destroying the game KSPs creators want to make.

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  Seshins said:
Xbox for life!

its amusing watching people tearing each other down, over an electronic box. i like Xbox because i like Xbox, people like PS4 because they like PS4.

PC still tops them both.

I tihnk thats a pretty strange way of thinking. I like things because they have features that benefit my gaming-interrests for a reasonable price by a reasonable company. I dont like XY just because its name is XY.

If MS would go back to the old days where they actually cared more about what consumers actually want i would buy their console etc. if it was better then the other consoles and if i even wanted one. (from my point of view Bill Gates was way more likeable and also seemed to have a different approach in terms of what he actually wanted to produced)

  ouion said:
I have a Xbox 360 and I love Mods like Kw Rocketry and p fairings.They would have to be DLCs for Ksp. I would probably pay 1600 Microsoft Points on them.;.;

And this is why gaming sucks more each day. Why are people so willing to pay for anything? Those mods are for free on the PC why would you pay for them?

Also you would pay as much money for one single DLC as you paid for the whole game?

Pay for good and big Addons like everyone else did but dont encourage companies to rip everyone off.

Just as an example:

Horse Armor - 2.50 Dollars

Creation Time - 1 intern probably wasted a few hours for it maybe the models were even stock - who knows

So people payed 5% of the price of a game that was developed for years for something that was made probably within 5 minutes.

Now lets say 100.000 people buy this DLC - 250.000- Dollars for 2 hours of work at most - that is insane ...

  ouion said:
What if the Xbox one store contains Steam too.:0.0: Would you buy KSP on it.

They would never do that it makes no sense. Why get competitors in your exclusive market?

Edited by SpaceHole
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If they were to make a console version, it'd be after the PC version is finished. Surely they should consider it.

Next-gen hardware is probably powerful enough to run KSP, but there'd be some obvious limitations like no modding.

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