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Hi. I've got newbie questions!


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I\'ve been enjoying some rocket engineering. Flying the things is a lot harder for me.

I figured out the yellow and green symbols on the navball but what are the pink things? They always point toward some odd direction that doesn\'t correspond to anything I can figure.

How do I manage my vertical and cross velocities to make them close to zero as I get to within the last 100 meters of the Munar surface? I keep having to do panic burns up to keep from crashing. I\'m tired of imitating a yo-yo.

I\'m using stock parts. My lander is parachute/capsule/decoupler/asas/LFT/LFE with radial decouplers and the wings that point back/down for landing gear.

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Welcome to the KSP Forums!

I figured out the yellow and green symbols on the navball but what are the pink things? They always point toward some odd direction that doesn\'t correspond to anything I can figure.

One points toward the launchpad and the other points away from it.

Happy Launching!


Capt\'n Skunky

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i may be a noob but i have landed on the mun. what you do is point your thruster in the direction of the lateral travel and make a low power burn. also don\'t flip your lander 90 degrees, as it is to difficult to flip back fast enough.

happy flying!

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