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Duna Depot: fueling science!

Captain Sierra

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'So, you want to colonize the Jool system? Great! How you going to lug all the equipment and the fuel needed out there?'

This was exactly the thought that crossed my mind.

It's time for a:


for all my refueling needs

So, I set out to build a series of modules that could serve as a base using the HOME mod, which includes components to mine air and use what I think is some kind of electrocracking process to refine usable fuel. Scientific feasibility aside, I came up with a bunch of ideas and even put some stuff in orbit.

Section 1

Architecture: Meet the Mission

This is the HOME mod and some of the concept stuff I drew up.





The last shot is a station with nuclear drive stage that will take it out to Duna. It holds something like 7000 units of liquid fuel and a total of 19 kerbals. It will be equipped with 2 tanker landers (probe) and 2 crew landers, each capable of carrying a full rockomax jumbo 64 tank and 10 crew members (including pilots) respectively.


I appear to have misplaced the crew lander file at this time; picture will be added when I find or rebuild it.

The mission architecture is rather simple. I will be sending several units with atmospheric miners and one or two units with nuclear reactors and KAS rovers that will be used to interconnect the modules. I will also be sending several habitat modules that will contain inflatable fuel tanks, habitats, and fuel converters. This will give our brave kerbals somewhere to stay as they operate a fuel base. The goal is to maintain the station in orbit with full fuel and to allow us a jump point for Jool. Fuel manufacture here will also provide an operations platform for some much needed skycranes which will be used to land kethane equipment as we move to more energy efficient options other than irradiating the planet for fuel.

Section 1 (COMING SOON*)

Fleet design*

*I will update as I move along with the mission. If anyone has suggestions or possible advice, I am willing to listen. also, tell me what you want to see in this mission chronicle. Pics, story, or just straight up planning, building, explosions.

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