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Just Bought KSP.

Commander Wilmot

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Hi, I had picked up the last free verison that was put out as a demo and then I went and updated to the new demo. I finally bought the game a few days ago and I was wondering if there were tutorials or how to threads on docking and space plane construction.

I have put the beginning of a station in orbit around Kerbin but I don't know how to dock other modules so that I can complete construction and get some kerbals on board. I have made some jets, but they all have a habit to pitch up or down and sometimes the reaction wheels can't do enough to help and if they do then when I have to turn the problem ensues as I generally have to turn off the SAS to maneuver. I have seen various threads touching somewhat on the topic of docking, but I was wondering if someone could refer me to the best ones on these topics.

I currently have the beginnings of a space and a half-dozen satellites/probes in orbit (I say slash because a couple of them have enough fuel to possibly go somewhere and I haven't decide where to send them.)

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Go to youtube.

Find Scott Manley.

He has excellent video tutorials on both of those and so much more.

EDIT: Welcome to the game, enjoy yourself. A word of advice is don't aim too high to start. KSP is one of those 'Easy to learn, hard to master' type games. It's easy to learn the basics and orbit stuff but actually 'mastering' the game by doing things such as building a base on Eeloo or putting a space station around Moho is very, very hard. You should work your way up and enjoy the climb because there is just so much to do.

Another word of advice: KSP only runs 32 bit (at least until the next update) and has a limit of 4GB ram and has no multi-threading. There is a limit to part count before unbearable lag sets in. It is different for everyone but the average I have seen is about 400-500. Keep that in mind especially for space stations. Also don't have a ton of mods. Mods add a lot to this game but you have to avoid having too many massive parts packs like KW Roecketry, Novapunch, Lack Luster Labs, etc etc.

Welcome, enjoy, and have fun building insanely kerbal things like this:


And this:


And seeing pretty plasma shock heating effects like this (taken while aerobraking at Jool):


Edited by Captain Sierra
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