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Challenge: Try to get a Munar orbit 100 m above the surface

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Dunno if this is possible, but try to get a near-circular orbit of around 3000m above sea level or whatever 100m above the surface of the Mun is, take a pic of your craft orbiting, and also the map view!

(It doesn't matter if it's around 80-150m at its lowest point and 100-170 at it's highest point!)

Good luck! :wink:

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Won't you slam into mountains?

That is the challenge. Hit the lowest point, it could even be one meter above the surface, so long as you don't hit the ground. The trick is to find the point you can safely orbit Mun 100 meters above its sea level point without hitting nearby peaks. That, of course, requires an elliptical orbit. Find the right one and that orbit will be stable. Wrong and your ship will go splat.

Reminds me of a you Tube video where someone set up a hoop on a moon and not only flew through it repeatably while in orbit, he also found a stable intercept from a planet that allowed him to go from the planet, through the hoop on the moon, back to loop around the planet, back to the hoop on the moon, etc... until calculation errors finally caught up with the orbit causing his probe to go splat.

For a circular orbit, it would have to be above the highest point on Mun. So long as you are just above the highest point, it could be as little as one meter, you have succeeded in the mission. The trick is in the photograph to prove what you have accomplished.

Edited by SRV Ron
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