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Possible Persistence File Bug

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Has anyone noticed that if a ConfigNode value is written with two forward-slashes in a row, then the value that is read back is truncated? For example if you write the following value: hello//world, then when you read it back it's read as hello. As far as I can tell this only occurs with two forward slashes in a row, any number of single forward slashes is fine, i.e. h/e/l/l/o/w/o/r/l/d is read back correctly. Is this a known bug? Possibly some sort of expected behavior?

I only noticed this because I was saving Base64 encoded values, in which // can occur readily.

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  • 2 months later...
Do me a favor and confirm this issue on the bugtracker: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/821

ok sorry to do this cant fix kinda sucks... my heavy drill wont stay deployed. just keeps closing and opening... iono what to do to fix. looked it up in the bugg tracker saw how to fix but iono how to change the animation so it stays deployed( im using a mac )

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