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Alarming article from Polygon (let's be good to our devs, okay?)


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  karolus10 said:
Discussing TOS or concepts of early access is inappropriate here, because it's not a topic of this discussion and both TOS and early access are precisely explained on KSP and steam websites, don't knowing the rules aren't excuse.

Many enough people ranting and sending hate mail, death treats, etc. just because they don't like something about certain title can not only make Developers "feel bad" but also they can be unemployed very soon after the fact and/or project terminated if management assume that few hundred/thousand hate mails is an sign of something going terribly wrong.

Probably many of You guys remember what happened half year ago, when a lot of people in KSP community start raging about expansions/DLC topic after casual Q&A (and the last one) on twitch Dev-stream... after some time SQUAD promised give for free all potential KSP DLC/expansions for everybody who buy KSP before May 1st, 2013.

From other hand, this meant (my opinion only) immediate loss of potential profit from (not even planned at so early stage) expansions and it's much less sense now to made ANY expansions/DLC (requiring original KSP to run) at all... Players words can hurt, not only "Dev's" but the community itself.

I actually doubt that hate mail threatens a dev's job at all, according to this presentation here made by a game dev, the threats meant nothing to them.


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I love every single dev and modder out there, and to anyone that THREATENS them for doing their JOB, should just leave, and try developing the best game I've every played by themselves. See what they think about it.

Now, done with that, I wasn't really keeping up with Fez 2 but... WHY?!?! Why did it have to go?... :(

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  Levelord said:
I actually doubt that hate mail threatens a dev's job at all, according to this presentation here made by a game dev, the threats meant nothing to them.


Well, I found some mails shown in this presentation to be strangely amusing rather than depressing, but just me, lol :).

Troll/haters minority can shout louder than everybody else :rolleyes:.

EDIT_1: nice video about trolls anatomy :).

Edited by karolus10
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