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My first attempt at a Space Station. (The Arnold Aerospace Division Program Update)


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AAD have entered a new era.

The two pieces of the Space Station Arnold(SSA) has been launched and have docked in orbit. Has a current Crew of 5


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After a bit of soul searching by all. A second rescue mission was launched. This time a refueller was designed to not only restock the tanks of the space tug but to also continue on to the SSA and become the start of the refuelling section of the SSA. It was thought to make this one a remote unmanned mission (lets not risk anymore lives hey). Launch was successful and orbit was achieved.

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SSA Intercept course was inputted and after several controlled burns we managed to matched velocity and orbits.

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Now mission controlled decided that a rest was in order before trying to intercept the SSA.

Edited by Trumps
Trouble with links not working again..arghhh
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