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Stops loading halfway through initial loading screen? Please Help?

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Use code tags as opposed to Spoilers for now -- spoilers are broken for the foreseeable future.

Just to be sure, you're not Alt+Tabbing out of KSP as it loads, are you? This is known to cause problems. If you need to switch programs, either run KSP in full-window mode by using the -popupwindow flag, or hit Alt+Enter to change to windowed mode before switching programs.

Apart from that... hm. It might be worth trying to copy KSP's game folder out of the steamapps\common folder and running KSP elsewhere (not the Desktop or Documents folders, either; try somewhere like C:\KSP or C:\Games\KSP). Every now and again I see some issues with permissions crop up, where Steam seems to forget to properly set the permissions and such. If it works outside the Steam folders , you can get it to work from those folders by altering the permissions on it. I'm not 100% how to do so with Windows 8, though. If you get stuck, you can always Google it. Basically, you need to make sure you have read/write permissions on all of KSP's folders, files and subfolders, as well as Ownership of them -- including the main KSP folder.

Let me know how it goes. :)

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I have not been, Alt + Tab 'ing out or leaving during the loading process. But I did run KSP elsewhere, multiple places, no change. :<

I also had all permissions on all the folders.

I eventually got it to work through a solution on steam, indirectly. I deleted appcache, and restarted my computer. No difference, but the appcache folder wasn't reinstalled like it was supposed to be. I just decided to uninstall and then reinstall Steam. Then reinstall KSP. It worked! :D There is probably an easier solution.

Luckily I backed up my KSP saves, lol.

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