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Rendering Random Stuff


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I have made some renders recently, I was inspired by ksp so here they are.

Random orange rocket;


Rocket inspired by B9;


Small rocket;


Bear in mind that these rocket renders are quick sketches so the rendering quality isn't the best :0.0:

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Thanks man I have something coming up in like 15 hours... And it is going to be something beautiful. So thanks for actually posting, you don't know how long I have waited for this day xD

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Because they are nothing special. I only render over 400X400 if it is something I like. Like the kerbals in space (1080p). Anyways I was busy like always with my game. So I don't have enough time to perfect them... But cycles is great :) I've been using blender for over 2 years now and I don't regret using cycles. Anyway thanks for the comment, and there won't be many posts here...

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Ha! That's hilarious! But they weren't meant to look like teletubies, more like teams... Different space program members... So yeah. i was just messing around in blender cycles... And I am thinking of changing stuff around to make them look better :)

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