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FINISHED: MOdular Mission System (MOMS) base on Duna


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Wayfare Aerospace, Engineering & Kitchen Appliances is proud to announce that our MOdular Mission System (MOMS) is nearing release! We've adopted the lessons learned from the Munproof mission and are currently underway with final testing of the MOMS. This involves establishing a manned base on Duna. The MOMS consists of a large number of Subassembly Manager-friendly modules that can be joined to a MOMS core module to build a craft tailored to your mission requirements. It even comes with launchers, part counts, mass figures and everything! It's pretty sweet if we do say so ourselves. Given that many payloads can be delivered by remote control, we also killed hardly any test pilots during development - a Wayfare AE&KA first!

This final shakedown mission is called Dunproof, as it's another proving trial mission but this one goes to Duna. It will involve two MOMS craft: Dunproof 1 will deliver the base and exploration rover during the first Kerbin-Duna launch window. Once the surface facilities are in place, Dunproof 2 will be assembled to deliver the six-Kerbal crew and their surface shuttle.

The eagle-eyed among you will notice MechJeb suitcases mounted on the MOMS ship and payloads. Let me assure you these were used purely for plotting maneuver nodes. All burns and landings were conducted completely manually, using nothing but the systems available to us in "vanilla" KSP. Full disclosure: Kerbal Alarm Clock was also used to prevent our weary engineers from accelerating past important mission milestones.


Putting the Pieces in Place


Welcome to KSC! The first payload to orbit is the MOMS core and the attached "X4" propulsion module, consisting of a Jumbo fuel tank and four LV-N nuclear engines. The Munshine VII lifter is easily capable of delivering this payload to a 100km orbit, as it is rated for 75 tons. The excess tonnage was used to lift a couple of "Aux 8" fuel tanks and an Orbital Assistance Module (OAM) to maneuver all this stuff around.






Once orbit is achieved and the Munshine VII second stage de-orbited, the OAM moves the auxiliary fuel tanks to the core's utility slots. The auxiliary tanks are certainly not needed for a Duna mission, but we wanted to test the system and we had the tonnage to spare, so hey.


The actual Dunproof 1 mission payload consists of a surface base and a "Munophant" exploration rover. This is a fairly parts-intensive payload and the surface base continues to freak out the game a bit: both craft orientation and map view will "wobble" abnormally when this base is joined to other components. Further fine-tuning of the base design is in order. Our mission controllers found it helpful to focus map view on a planet or moon instead of the craft. KSP is weird sometimes.




The fully assembled Dunproof 1 craft weighs in at 116 tons and consists of 228 parts. In LKO it lags our testing rig a little, but this clears up as soon as Kerbin's surface textures unload. Let's go to Duna shall we?






Using the "X4" propulsion module, Dunproof 1 has to burn about seven minutes to make the Kerbin-Duna injection, with a couple of small course corrections along the way. She circularizes around Duna in roughly four minutes. While these are perfectly acceptable burn times, we are developing an "X6" version for the impatient.







The surface base is deployed to Duna first. Using a combination of parachutes and engine power, it toppled over and exploded set down perfectly fine on the first attempt! The descent package has the delta-v and TWR to land anywhere except Tylo.






The "Munophant" exploration rover lands next. Even on manual piloting we were able to set her down within 1.8km of the surface base. Not too shabby! That said, the Munophant is not designed as a full-crew taxi - it only seats five. Given that it doesn't have a probe core, some lone Kerbal will have quite a hike to make. We need to decide whether to land the crew at the base or the Munophant. Other options include using the crew shuttle to hover someone over, or delivering a utility rover or two with the crew.


Freed of its payload, the Dunproof 1 vessel still has 3800m/s of delta-v left, plenty to make it back to Kerbin for refitting. It would be possible to simply refuel this craft, bolt on the crew hab and shuttle and use it to deliver the crew to Duna. But we want to test the "X6" propulsion module and we'd like to have another MOMS craft available for crew rotation so we'll just assemble another!

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  19spacepug said:
Wow nice base you should add a landing pad to your base or a space station in orbit for refueling I can't wait to see what you add next.

Thanks Spacepug! The objective of this mission is really to show that the MOMS can do what it says on the tin - go anywhere, bring anything. I'm going to demonstrate that by delivering a base and rover (done), a crew and shuttle (in the works) and setting up a reliable cycle of deliveries (which will probably include a really sweet Ike lander). The beauty of a modular system is that you can make up missions on the fly, put them together and then go ahead and do them. Want to set up a base on Moho? Explore all the moons of Jool? Drop a rover on Eeloo and explore those canyons? Just plug the modules together and go :) And you can re-use the ships as often as you can refuel them.

So I probably won't be adding too many bits and bobs to the Duna base. But when you get your hands on MOMS, your imagination (and your CPU) is the limit!

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A Look Under the Hood

The real strength of the MOMS is its modular design. Using Subassembly Manager, building up a MOMS mission vessel is a simple matter of bolting together the modules you need and sending them off into space. As we're preparing to send our first crew to Duna, we figured we'd show off how MOMS works in the VAB.


For our second craft, we start out with an Orbital Assistance Module (OAM). This will allow us to maneuver our payload in orbit without tapping into the payload's own fuel reserves.



Next we pick the payload together from the Subassembly Manager. Notice that each module has two values listed. These indicate mass and parts counts respectively. This is the "X6" propulsion module, weighing in at 52 tons and a modest 26 parts.



We add a MOMS Core section and notice that we have a bit of mass left if we're going to use the 75-ton Munshine VII launcher, so we also add a couple of "Aux 8" auxiliary fuel tanks. The MOMS core has two utility ports for just such a purpose. The payload totals 77 tons, a hair over the Munshine VII's rated payload mass. That's OK though - because of the OAM, the payload will be able to push itself the last few m/s to orbit.




We add the launcher underneath the payload and strut everything together. By running struts from disposable parts we minimize the amount of "nubs" left behind once the payload is in orbit. Sorting out the staging is important at this point. Once assembled though, all MOMS modules with engines (excepting main drives like the X6) have an engine shutdown command bound to Action Group 9.This way, if you dock a craft with live engines to a MOMS you can shut them down safely.






The MOMS Core comes with two probe cores, both oriented in a different direction. No matter how you assemble the craft you'll always have one core available that points the right way. The Munshine VII is a remarkably stable launch vehicle for its size and permits some pretty aggressive gravity turning. We achieve orbit easily, orient the craft North to facilitate docking, then extend the solar panels and de-orbit the OAM.


Our next payload consists of a crew habitat and a six-man shuttle. This payload, along with another OAM, is light enough to be lifted by the 55-ton Munshine V. Notice that Kerbals love to try and sneak aboard any rocket with a command pod, so make sure you chase them out with a pointy stick.





Because almost all modules come with their own, balanced RCS suite, docking is easy. "Dunproof 2" is now ready to receive its last payload (a couple of small buggies we forgot to bolt on to the shuttle) and its crew. The next window to Duna is in 150 days or so, so we have some time to prepare.

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Getting the Band Back Together


With the next Duna transfer window approching, it's time to get some crew up in MOMS. We also need to figure out a way to bring along the two buggies we forgot to mount onto the shuttle. This turned out to be more difficult than we thought. In the end we settled for a separate lander package, again provided with about 1400m/s delta-v so it should be able to land anywhere except Tylo. Moho might be a bit of a challenge but all our lander packs can have an "Aux 8" disposable fuel tank slung underneath for that extra delta-v. The buggy pack comes to five tons. Along with the fifteen ton Crew Transfer Vehicle (CTV) this will just fit on our Munshine VI 22-ton lifter. We converted the Munshine VI second stage into an impromptu OAM by adding an RCS suite. Our engineers predict that we'll probably need to tap into the CTV fuel supply a little to make rendezvous and de-orbit.

The crew consists of the "Munshine Three" Jeb, Bill and Bob, along with rookie Kerbonauts Chasbin, Bartcas and Nedsey. Desmund will pilot the CTV to the MOMS and back down to Kerbin, determined to do better than test pilot Jack (who managed to land only the command pod when the CTV was first being tested).



Before that though, Dunproof 1 reaches its transfer window back to Kerbin. We narrowly avoid an Ike encounter and send Dunproof 1 on its way home. It will be refueled and refitted to transport the second crew to Duna in, oh, a year or so.





Two weeks before the Duna transfer window, the Dunproof 2 CTV and buggy pack are launched. The Munshine VI launcher performs perfectly. As predicted, some fuel has to be drawn from the CTV in order to make rendezvous with the Dunproof 2 MOMS.




As luck would have it we dock in the dark. Fortunately the CTV comes with a handy docking light!



The crew is transfered to the Dunproof 2 MOMS' hab module. Jeb certainly seems happy to be in space again.






The CTV is capable of landing up to seven Kerbonauts safely back on Kerbin, using only a little bit of engine power to compensate for parachute shock and to slow down the final landing. Desmund looks enormously pleased with himself.

Next up - flying the boys to Duna and getting our base manned!

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A Long Way Indeed


JEB: Let's burn! Whoo, this X6 goes all the way up to eleven!


NEDSEY: So long, Kerbin. See you in a year.



BILL: Welcome to Duna, boys! Someone wake up Jeb and get him some coffee. And some aspirin.







BARTCAS: Detaching rover package... Burning to de-orbit... Good chutes... Touchdown! Now to decouple the buggies and fly that lander off to explode somewhere safe.





JEB: Everyone aboard?

CHADBIN: Wait I forgot my...

JEB: Undocking! You can fetch your toothbrush in four months.


JEB: Ready for de-orbit burn.

BOB: I hate this part...




JEB: Man those 'spikes have some oomph! Bob, get your face out of that bag and look outside man. Duna!


NEDSEY: Hey, we seem to be a bit far from the vehicles.

JEB: You want to try hitting a half-mile landing zone on a target the size of a planet?

Note to self: get better at precision landings. Seriously.





JEB: I'm coming down the ladder now. Making ready to step off the shuttle. And it's... Ewwww it's all covered in jam! Haha, just kidding. It's red and dusty. Figures. Let's get this flag in the ground. You can come out guys, there's no space krakens around.


NEDSEY: Well, we're about a kilometer from the Munophant and about the same from the buggies. The base is about fifteen hundred meters away. Any ideas?

CHADBIN: Someone has a hike to make.

JEB: I need someone to volunteer to go fetch the Munophant and taxi the rest of us around.

*Bill pushes Bob forward*

BOB: Hey!

JEB: Excellent, thank you Bob. Make sure your boots are laced tight.

BOB: *groan*


BOB: *mutter*


BOB: *huff, huff*



BOB: I made it to the Munophant. I ah... I don't suppose they could have deployed the ladder during landing?

JEB: Get to work son.


BOB: *moan*



JEB: Let me guess - first faceplant on Duna?



BOB: Made it! This thing's not in bad shape considering it's been sitting here for almost a year. Still has that new rover smell.


BOB: Bart, Chad, get in - time to fetch the buggies.




BOB: You guys grab the buggies and head on over to the base. I'll pick up the others.

CHADBIN: We'll have the coffee ready when you get there.

BARTCAS: Race you there Chad!






BARTCAS: There's the base. Looks good.

CHADBIN: Do you think we should have told Bob these ladders can be remote-controlled?

Bartcas pushes button

BASE: *chirp-chirp*

CHADBIN: We have power... Lights, antenna, solar panels extended. Neat! Sandwiches!


JEB: Took you long enough.

BOB: Get in you mongrels.



BOB: Welcome to our new home - now get out of my bus!



Due to Ike's stationary orbit we'll get to enjoy a lot of eclipses. As our heroes settle in for their first night on Duna, what adventures await them next?

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  19spacepug said:
Nice spaceship I would say that you should add one more thing. some landers so you can make a base on ike and then you have bases in the entire duna system. but still nice update

Thanks! Funny you should mention that - meet the LASSIE (Lander And Service Ship for Interplanetary Exploration) prototype!


It has enough thrust and delta-v by itself to land on most moons and make it back. Because of its docking ports it can also easily be attached to descent/ascent packages for more challenging bodies. LASSIE will be going along to Duna with the second crew.

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that looks nice. and by the way I like the roleplay you did with the kerbals I hope I see that in more mission logs on this forum and yours I have seen that it gets a lot of views I mean look at that one about the base on one of jools moons. can't wait to see what happens next.

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  19spacepug said:
that looks nice. and by the way I like the roleplay you did with the kerbals I hope I see that in more mission logs on this forum and yours I have seen that it gets a lot of views I mean look at that one about the base on one of jools moons. can't wait to see what happens next.

Yeah I like that style too. Once this mission is completed and the MOMS released, I plan to do a Grand Tour and report it entirely from the crew's perspective.

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Thanks Veeltch, I'm glad you like it :) The MOMS turned out looking quite similar to your modular craft but I guess that is to be expected when you're using Senior ports as your main interface. Looking around the Spacecraft Exchange I actually see a lot of potentially compatible craft, like Temstar's Zenith launchers and YarTheBug's interplanetary drives. It's a good time to be playing KSP with so many systems to mix and match.

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The mission is still on - I took a self-imposed break for a few days to clear my head (so many half-assed design ideas I couldn't sleep) and it's worked wonders. Coming up over the next few days: Bob and Jeb take the Munophant - locally re-christened to the "Dunosaur" - for a spin to a scenic mountain vista, the first crew returns home, Dunproof 1 is re-fueled and re-fitted and delivers the second crew along with a brand new toy...


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They See Me Rovin'

When we last left, our heroes had taken up residence in the Dunproof Base after some rover shenanigans. They've spent their first night on Duna and are now ready to do some exploration. For science!


CHADBIN: Good morning!

JEB: *yaaawn*

BARTCAS: Imagine that. Waking up on Duna. I'm making waffles!

JEB: When we've had breakfast we're going for a ride Bob. Bob! Wake up man. Bart's making waffles.



BOB: Where are we going anyway?

JEB: That big mountain up north. I wanna check out the view.

BOB: For science?

JEB: Yeah sure. I'll be in the back, wake me when we get there.

BOB: ...



BOB: Twenty degree incline - no problem for the Dunosaur!

JEB: Isn't it the Munophant?

BOB: We're not on the Mun. Doesn't make sense so I changed the license plates.




BOB: Wow.

JEB: Wow.

BOB: What a view.

JEB: Shame a two-D picture will never capture this majesty...


Jeb and Bob return home. The mission still has another ninety days to go before the crew needs to return to the Dunproof 2 ship in orbit. This time was spent conducting a wide array of highly sciency experiments. They totally didn't just loaf around in the base playing monopoly and eating waffles.


NEDSEY: Time to pack it up! Here's the plan - Bob will drive all of us except Jeb to the shuttle. Then he'll head back to base and park the Dunosaur. Jeb and Bob will then take one of the buggies to the shuttle. This way we leave the most rovers at the base for the next crew.

JEB: This seems needlessly complicated. Why didn't they design the Munosaurophant as a six-man vehicle?

BOB: Because mission planners assumed a decent pilot would be able to put the shuttle down within walking distance of the base.

JEB: ...







It's been almost a hundred days since Jeb first set his boots on the surface of Duna. As he prepares to mount the shuttle, he takes one last look at her rust-red surface and the flag he planted there. So he bungled the landing co-ordinates. Big whoop. Jeb regrets nothing.



JEB: Whooooooo!





JEB: There's the Dunproof 2. How ya been old gal?

BARTCAS: Everything looks OK.

NEDSEY: Hard vacuum is a pretty good preservative.



CHADBART: Finally, my toothbrush!

BILL: Thank Kerbol for that. Go wash out all those waffles.





BARTCAS: Shuttle has undocked. Leaving this here will save the next crew a lot of delta-v.

JEB: Burning home!

BILL: So lung, Duna. You've been a swell host.

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Change of the Guards



Preparing Dunproof 1 for its next mission took two launches. One brought up the crew hab module and the redesigned Lander And Service Ship for Interplanetary Exploration (LASSIE) which will be put through its paces on Ike. The second was a simple tanker to refill the Dunproof 1's Jumbo fuel and RCS tanks. Both launches were padded out with an "Aux 32" disposable fuel tank, effectively doubling Dunproof 1's fuel capacity. A fair chunk of this would be used to refuel the shuttle in Duna orbit as well as LASSIE.





A few days before the launch window opened, the new crew of six was brought up with a CTV. Then it was off to Duna once more!







Dunproof 2 returns to Kerbin while Dunproof 1 is still en route to Duna. Desmund in the CTV picks up the first crew and flies them back down to the surface, making a lovely landing near KSC. The "Munshine Three" have now become the "Dunproof Six"!


Dunproof 1 achieves a major development milestone as it circularizes around Duna for the second time in its commission. This event proves that the MOMS is capable of being re-used for multiple missions.





The shuttle makes rendezvous with Dunproof 1 and docks to the bottom of the stack. Nelbles gets out to man the LASSIE and stows the docking port adapter on one of the crew hab's standard ports.








Courtesy of a lucky eclipse, the trip to Ike was surprisingly scenic.



Nelbles returns and docks up the LASSIE before transferring to the shuttle with the rest of the gang - but not before repacking the chutes!






The second flag is planted on Duna. The Dunproof mission is a complete success! We've demonstrated that MOMS is capable of being a solid, practical, highly adaptable and re-usable platform for interplanetary exploration. Dunproof 1 and 2 could cycle back and forth between Kerbin and Duna for as long as one might care to refuel and recrew them. They could easily be fitted with novel payloads in LKO for use on Duna. With the amounts of delta-v that can be achieved by using modular fuel tanks, MOMS craft can go anywhere in the Kerbol system and bring anything. We are go for release as soon as end-user documentation has been drawn up!

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