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Kerbal Protests [Scenario...sort of]


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A group of Kerbals have been peacefully protesting about the lack of safety measures in the Kerbal Space Program. Last night the president of the kerbal population, who also is president of the largest snack factory in existence, received a death threat written on a cake wrapper. It was signed by the leader of this group. The president has authorized the invitation of these kerbals to live on a remote world. They have accepted. You are to construct a small colony on a remote world for these kerbals to live.


No kerbals must be killed during this project. The group will revolt and may destabilize the government.

Kerbal numbers must start at 10 and can only be increased by tens.

Accommodations must be acceptable. At least 1k of electric charge, power generation, at least 20 fuel storage, a way to refuel this storage, and a communication system. this is per Hitchhiker container or anything else that will contain between 1-4 Kerbals(except for the communication system. thats only one ever).

Extra equipment will include. 1 Rover per 10 Kerbals. One jumbo fuel tank full of fuel(does not need to be filled when landing, but must be so when kerbals start to arrive) or the equivalent capacity with 1 extra at 50 and 100 Kerbals. There must be a way to refuel this from the ground and 1 rover per tank must be provided to haul fuel around. one greenhouse to provide food and oxygen and one extra at 50 and 100 kerbals. A communication base that is located on a nearby hill.

There must be a way for kerbals to be transported from Kerbin to the colony and back.

All mods are allowed accept those that give you an unfair advantage. Like Hyperedit. This includes the debug screen.


Base placement points.

Mun and Minimus: 10

Moho: 20

Eve: 40

Duna: 30

Dres: 50

Jool and any of it's moons: 60

Eeelo: 70


Bonus points

+1 for building it on Dres, the "undesirable planet"

+5 for 50 Kerbals

+10 for 100 Kerbals

+5 for not giving them any engines

+5 for having some sort of secret weapon system to take them out if need be

+5 for having a secret satellite to watch them

+20 for building the base all in one ship (docking allowed)

+5 if this ship also carries all the kerbals with it.

+10 for completing all of the above bonus points

+10 for completing all of the bonus points and building your base on Eeelo(skip the Dres base).

I am currently working on doing this challenge my self. It may be a bit and it won't be very good :/

Edited by Joil
fixed some typos
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Nice, I'll begin working on it soon. The only problem is not having any kerbals dying. I quite enjoy explosions. I guess I'll just have to add "fireworks" to their new home or something. I've already got spy satellites orbiting around every planet except Bop and Ike. I'll try to build it on Bop so the Deep Space Kraken will eat them.


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So if you build the base on one planet, how can you get all bonus points by building on Dres then build on Eeelo like the last thing says?

*quickly scans the bonus points* uhhhhh...*facepalm* Sorry about that, that one can get skipped if you want the last one.

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