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kOS Scriptable Autopilot System 0.9


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  Sma said:
Nice! :)

For me, in 0.82 pretty much all locks were broken, although it seemed like lock steering would work sometimes, but not all the time, like after a certain time/altitude (when controlling throttle manually).

Also, I'd like to add, it might be a good idea for anyone reading this, to save the previous version zip files you download, so incase you do run into bugs like in that last few updates, you can go back to a previous version that was working. I've got 7 versions from 0.46 to 0.82 (missed 0.8 and 0.81 though) and it takes up less than 3mb. Though you could keep just one previously known working version and delete the others I guess.

Lol from Kevins Dev Blog: "Wheel throttle could be set to 100 with hilarious results" Makes me wish I was testing rovers now.

Ok, so does anyone know where these "flagrant errors" are logged to?

sorry, but that got fixed... maybe because it wasn't game breaking.

I have some Versions from 0.5 on. I also have 0.8 but not 0.81. 0.81 was too fast replaced with 0.82.

They are all on my google drive. See the issues page on the wiki.

Edit: I think the code needs a complete overhaul. The eta thing is too wired.

But I am too stupid to find out when it works and when not.

Edited by Bizz Keryear
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  Bizz Keryear said:
Oh ... I haven't seen that 0.83 is out..

edit found out throttle fixed (at least kevin says that) and eta: still broken.

Yep, and lock steering is also broken(still? dont remember if it was broken in 0.82Right...I was having problems with in in 0.82 lol how quickly I forget). But hey, throttle works now. LOL

Edited by Sma
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  Sma said:
Yep, and lock steering is also broken(still? dont remember if it was broken in 0.82Right...I was having problems with in in 0.82 lol how quickly I forget). But hey, throttle works now. LOL

Could you post the code? because in my case lock steering still works.

I think it may the same is as with eta: in some cases it works in some not.

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  Bizz Keryear said:
Could you post the code? because in my case lock steering still works.

I think it may the same is as with eta: in some cases it works in some not.

Yeah, could be a random problem. I know with 0.82 it was mostly random it worked sometimes but after it worked once it didn't seem to work after that, for me anyway. The randomness could be due to different mods installed. I don't use MJ but I have module manager still in the game folder (from when I was testing RT2). Also got Kethane, ISA MapSat, Quantum struts, procedural fairings and some others. Though they're not being used in my current dealings with kOS, but they could still be interfering somehow I guess.

It was just a basic lock steering, after initial staging to launch (initPitch was set to 0)

lock steering to up + R(0,initPitch,180).

I believe I also tried "lock steering to prograde" and "lock steering to heading 90 by 45" manually and it did nothing. I can try it again later just to make sure. This is in 0.83 just so we're on the same page.

I switched back to 0.7 for now trying to fine tune my kOS challenge code to get a slightly higher PE altitude.

On an unrelated note, not a big deal, but I thought the log function saved to archive. Seems that it saves to where ever the program is run from, which I guess works, being as if you were out of range it couldn't save to the archive...soo I guess that was just my misunderstanding lol DOH! :)

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I just want to make sure everyone is aware that while I may have created the kOS Wiki and added some initial content, Bizz Keryear has spent far more time than I keeping it up to date. I've essentially just stayed out of his way because he's doing such a great job in my opinion. Thanks, Bizz. I have definitely not regretted making you an admin as you have done far more than I would ever have time to get done.

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  norcalairman said:
I just want to make sure everyone is aware that while I may have created the kOS Wiki and added some initial content, Bizz Keryear has spent far more time than I keeping it up to date. I've essentially just stayed out of his way because he's doing such a great job in my opinion. Thanks, Bizz. I have definitely not regretted making you an admin as you have done far more than I would ever have time to get done.

Not to mention that Bizz is not a native english speaker/writer, as far as I understand. :)

Edited by Sma
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  Sma said:
Yeah, could be a random problem. I know with 0.82 it was mostly random it worked sometimes but after it worked once it didn't seem to work after that, for me anyway. The randomness could be due to different mods installed. I don't use MJ but I have module manager still in the game folder (from when I was testing RT2). Also got Kethane, ISA MapSat, Quantum struts, procedural fairings and some others. Though they're not being used in my current dealings with kOS, but they could still be interfering somehow I guess.

It was just a basic lock steering, after initial staging to launch (initPitch was set to 0)

lock steering to up + R(0,initPitch,180).

I believe I also tried "lock steering to prograde" and "lock steering to heading 90 by 45" manually and it did nothing. I can try it again later just to make sure. This is in 0.83 just so we're on the same page.

I switched back to 0.7 for now trying to fine tune my kOS challenge code to get a slightly higher PE altitude.

On an unrelated note, not a big deal, but I thought the log function saved to archive. Seems that it saves to where ever the program is run from, which I guess works, being as if you were out of range it couldn't save to the archive...soo I guess that was just my misunderstanding lol DOH! :)

  rhoark said:
Confirming in .83, lock throttle works fine - lock steering not so much.

OK, I have found it.

Lock steering works in general, but it seems that using variables in lock steering is broken!

So while lock "lock steering to heading 90 by 45." works

set pitch to 45.
lock steering to heading 90 by pitch.

does not.

edit : umm ... in 0.82 it still has worked and I belive I got it to in a test program once...

but now it don't.

edit2: So I mean I also can confirm this for 0.83.

edit3: wheelsteering is also broken.

Edited by Bizz Keryear
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We will have to work with 0.7 until Kevin works things out. I think it is great he even attempted to update before going on a holiday. That is true dedication.

Kevin, you rock! Enjoy your time off!

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  norcalairman said:
I just want to make sure everyone is aware that while I may have created the kOS Wiki and added some initial content, Bizz Keryear has spent far more time than I keeping it up to date. I've essentially just stayed out of his way because he's doing such a great job in my opinion. Thanks, Bizz. I have definitely not regretted making you an admin as you have done far more than I would ever have time to get done.


  Sma said:
Not to mention that Bizz is not a native english speaker/writer, as far as I understand. :)
Yes, true.

Please feel free to correct any bad grammar / typo / spelling you come across.

And if its not understandable what I am try to tell or if I use terms or proverbs wrong.

You can also edit it, but if you not understand it yourself just add comment or open a thread in the wiki forum.

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Sorry for the double post.

But I think the topic is so different that it needs a post of its own. got sidetracked before posting

Umm is here anyone who can come up with a vessel and a Kerboscript that is capable of testing every command?

Something we can use after each update so we can run a quick test on what is broken?

It should be a collab project.


anyone who is willing to help?

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  csanders said:
Quick question.

Can one write functions in kos, or do you have to use variables (which are all global) and call scripts that use the same variable names?

No functions (yet?), but we can call programs with parameters. And lately (dunno if that is a bug or a feature) all variables are global.

edit: reading is an art I am failing sometimes.

If you use programs with parameters the name of the variables can change.

like "run a(x)."

and a is:

declare parameter xina. //read as x_in_a
set y to xina^2.
print "x in a is: "+xina+" , and y is: "+y.

And now I am sure that the globaliness of variables is a bug.

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  csanders said:
Thanks for the response.

Until we have proper functions, I will consider all variable names as global to be a "feature."

I would still prefer to be able to declare them that way. At this point I will take what I can get.

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  Bizz Keryear said:
My was an answer to an kOS noob...

the meaning of the (yet?) was that might come or not ..

f*** i am too lazy sometimes

I wasn't referring to the bit about parameters. I was referring to your question about not knowing if variables have always been global.

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  Sma said:
Seeing as that some how you've missed the multiple posts saying lock throttle to 1 isn't working....In the 0.82 update this got broken and isn't working. Look at the post by Bizz right above your post saying you've searched for 30minutes. :P

Drop the sarcasm and be helpful. I did a lot of Googling and I read through several pages of comments. I legitimately missed the few posts that mention this in a clear way. I actually figured it out from another source. I thought I deleted my second post there.

I've edited my post to help anyone else with the same problem.

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