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(NASI) (BluPlanet Inc.) Zwei Brüder Rocket Family!

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From the makers of the Triumvirate Rocket Family and the owners of the Rusty Hangar Aircraft Emporium, we are proud to release our newest and most sophisticated craft, the Zwei Brüder Rocket Family! Inside, the pack comes with the Jool A-2 rocket and with the Harrier 9!

Jool A-2


The Jool A-2 was totally not designed by stray transmissions from Earth, nor forged from the nightmares of our five-year old designers. With the ability to carry a 5+ tonne payload, the Jool A-2 is a marvel of modern engineering. Coming at ~95 parts, 133 tonnes at launch pad, this sleek, sexy beast can has the ability to carry our 1m Standard Capsule, plus more.

After constant lessons and temper tantrums, our designers learned that debris was bad so they finally added a way to deorbit the orbit stage. Needless to say, we are pretty darn proud of it.


Harrier 9



The Harrier 9 is also totally not designed from Earth's Falcon 9, and the certainly not named after a similarly majestic bird. Included in this pack is a Flying Lizard capsule, capable of rendezvous and docking and carrying four of our brave Kerbalnauts. It also holds the ability to fly unmanned and to use its RCS capabilities to deorbit and lithobrake. Now, if you excuse me, I'm off to go make some more Koffee.


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