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how do you move your camera up/down when building and i mean move it not holding right mouse button and aiming up.it if impossible to make big ships if i can only make a size of 6 solids stacked ontop of eachother.

btw-the game is great.only problem is the lag but its not to bad.i rate it a 5/5 stars.i could spend hours on end playing it

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To scroll up/down as you seem to be asking, you need to use your middle mouse button/scroll wheel. Can anybody here tell me what the alternative is for those who do not have scroll wheel mice?

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To scroll up/down as you seem to be asking, you need to use your middle mouse button/scroll wheel. Can anybody here tell me what the alternative is for those who do not have scroll wheel mice?

there is no alternative yet in the next upate you can use your + - keys to do that :)

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Done with script(s)

desktop file is for full size keyboards

laptop file is for laptop size keyboards *may lack full numpad

if you have a laptop with full numpad you are ok to use the desktop file


numpad minus moves the view up

numpad plus moves the view down

numpad enter must be held to use middle mouse button

alt key will also act as middle mouse button


backspace moves the view up

enter moves the view down

alt key must be held to use middle mouse button

*keys that are replaceing the mouse scroll are disabled from use with other programs

if u want to use the numpad or other keys u MUST stop glovepie from running


(1) download glovepie http://glovepie.org/GlovePIEWithoutEmotiv043.zip

(2) download appropriate script for your needs

(3) Run glovepie

(4) open file your KSP scroll mouse.pie file

(5) press Run

(6) play KSP

(7) when done exit KSP

(8) Stop the glove pie script by pressing stop

(9) exit glove pie

have a nice day! and enjoy KSP to its fullest

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