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[21.1] Nomad Interplanetary Drive Family - Release 2.0

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You may also call them Injection boosters or Space tugs. Whatever the name, the Nomads will get you out of Kerbin's SiO too where you want to be.

I got the idea from Temstar's Zenith Rocket Family to create a group of premade assemblies to help out anyone who loves to fly, but not necessarily build rockets.

Since I won't pit myself against these excellent designs by Temstar, the next logical objective once you're in orbit, was to help get you to other places in the Kerbol system. With this in mind, I present:

The NOMAD Family of Interplanetary Drives (IPDs)


Features of the Nomad family:

- Extensive use of Highly Efficient LV-N NERVA engines

- Assumption that the "full size" Rockomax tank is about the right weight for a nuclear engine to push

- 4 IPD classes (P1, S2, Q4, F6) to provide for nearly any Interplanetary mission

- Various fuel-routings to Maximize Delta-V (-T1, -T2, -22, -42, -222) or Minimize Space junk (-0, -F)

- Compatibility with Zenith Rocket family (most have capacity to spare for single launch with payload)

- Stackability: Medium and Large Nomad IPD comes with same-size docking ports top and bottom. If one's not enough, just pile more behind!

Taking a small lander to Eeloo

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Addendums and Caviats:

MechJeb and possibly Kerbal Engineer will tell you these have more Delta-V than listed. I calculated these myself and the best I can guess is that MechJeb estimates are base on empty RCS tanks. Let me know if you have a better explanation, and I'll update this posting.

I've used the F6-222 and P1-T1 extensively in recent explorations. Let me know if you have any trouble with the rest of these so I can correct and repost!

Release Notes:


- I'm taking on this challenge and wanted my ducks in a row.


- Corrected fuel-line issues with a couple F6 configurations

- Corrected RCS block placement with the S4 model

- Added Action group "10" to toggle solar panels on Q2 and P1 models

- Added separate "Subassembly" folder for use with Subasselmbly Manager (root part is an OKTO2)

TheUndeadFish's Subaseembly Manager

Temstar's writeup on saving subassemblies (2nd post)

Nomad Interplanetary Drive Family

Release 1 Thread

Edited by YarTheBug
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