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Kerbals: The Ultimate Guide


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RST stands for rocket science time. NS stands for no science. AD and BC respectively.

Welcome to Kerbals: The Ultimate Guide. More will be added over time.


1. Kerbal Biology

2. Hierarchy

Kerbal Biology

Kerbals are small green humanoids, an adult male roughly 1 metre tall. Adult females 3 feet tall.

Males often keep their body hair to a minimum, however richer kerbals have been observed growing large amounts of hair, styling it to increase their social standing. Females are less common. An extremely large proportion of female kerbals grow long hair, regardless of social standing. Kerbal heads are large, for one purpose. Crash Protection. Their skulls are mostly a rubbery material called Kergelium. It explains why kerbals bounce when they hit the ground. Kerbal eyes are large, able to see in dark environments. It is unknown if kerbals are plants or not. They are hardy, able to survive decades in deep space with nothing at all apart from a spacesuit. They are able to swim, walk and jump great distances. A Kerbal brain is fairly small, but with a large amount of processing power. They can withstand high gravity and extreme temperatures.


All kerbals are signed up into the space program from the moment they can walk. They have no other choice.


The Director: Head of the Space Program, Most important Kerbal known

The President: Manages jobs, head of the Imagination Military

Governors: Heads of the 42 Kerbal States

Pilots: The pioneers of space travel

Mission Planners: Plan the mission and manage the flight

Rocket Builders: They build the rockets that send screaming kerbals into darkness

Tech engineer: People who know how to SCIENCE!

Workers: Extra maintenance on the rockets

Janitors: They clean out fuel, metal and kerbals

Cloning plant workers: They clone your friends for free!

Children: The next generation treated with no respect.

Edited by Rainbowtrout
Changed heights
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Three feet tall sounds quite big, i always imagined them about a foot tall, not sure why.

Originally Kerbals were 15 inches tall, but then when the parts were enlarged, they made the size 1 meter. Which means their most likely wont be life size Kerbal plushies. :(

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