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Heavy Drek Destroyer Mk VII NEAN By Zokesia Skunkworks!


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Taking our most successful fighter, the Drekevak Class, to a whole new level, was the Heavy Drek Mk IV. But now the Mk VII surges lightyears ahead.


Definition of Destroyer:

In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them against smaller, powerful, short-range attackers.

The Heavy Drek Destroyer is already at the forefront of modern naval technology, but with the Mk VII NEAN, that forefront just got moved.

The "Jack of all trades" is the most coveted ship in the Navy. and the Mk VII takes the cake with flying colors. Able to perform in any situation, she has range, speed, firepower, and now thicker armor to take care of any situation.

Differences between the Mk IV and VII include a total armor redesign, making it much stronger and able to survive several direct SRB hits. The cockpit is also better armored and both the fore and aft sections can be separately controlled in the event of the ship breaking in half. She also has an extra 400L of fuel for slightly longer range, although the interplanetary ring (by Spartwo) is still needed to reach the outer planets. Also used for the first time on a production spacecraft is the NEAN (Nuclear Engine, Aerospike Nozzle) Engine. This engine combined the efficiency of an Nuclear engine with the power of an Aerospike, providing the Heavy Dreks with good maneuverability for the first time. The Mk VII keeps the open forward view and good lighting for night operations. At 57 tons she's much heavier than the Mk IV, but she is much more maneuverable than her older sister. As with the Mk IV, the Mk VII has a jr docking port that has to be used to control the ship, but this does not affect the ship in any combat way.

The missiles can fire chain or seperately. They can be fired from the ship as a "dumb" straight shot missile (accurate range 1000 meters max, best firing range 200 to 400m) or as a player controlled "smart" missile (accurate range 5-10KM, best firing range 200 to 1000m). They go AFT > MID-AFT > MID-FWD > FWD > from in order from closest to attachment point to closest to exit of ship.

Action Groups (Engine controls bolded):

1: Toggle solar panels

2: Toggle Nuclear engine

3: Fire Missile 1 (FWD)

4: Jetteson Missile Decoupler (FWD)

5: Fire Missile 2 (MID-FWD)

6: Jetteson Missile Decoupler (MId-FWD)

7: Fire Missile 3 (MID-AFT)

8: Jetteson Missile Decoupler (MID-AFT)

9: Fire Missile 4 (AFT)

0: Jetteson Missile Decoupler (AFT)

Gear: Toggle Aerospike Engine

The current ships of the "Heavy Drek" class are:



Black Widow



The ship is still brand new and has not seen combat yet, but Captain Bob of Hornet at firing tests commented that

This is leaps ahead of the Drek Mk IV and lightyears past anything else out there! The combination of speed, agility, armor, and large armament makes the ship unparalleled. I'd gladly fly one against Hanland today if i could!

While it doesn't come with a launcher yet, there will probably be one soon.

Cost to Build: 108,000 Kerbits







Edited by zekes
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Is that the only command pod on that ship? If then then it would be really exposed and that is one of the most fragile of the command pod with a tolerance of 8m/s. Any real life military ship designer would place the command center in the deepest most well protected area of the ship.

Edited by WhiteWeasel
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