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Strange docking behaviour

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So I was testing out a new rover I made, and the last phase was making sure docking two rovers worked. I did a simple docking procedure with two of the same rover, aaannddd... you can see what happened :P

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Fun Facts:

- All joints seem to now be unbreakable, including the docking ports

- The two rovers are locked in the angle they are currently at, even if the docking ports are disconnected

- When docked, the rovers will happily drive through each other, but cannot when undocked

Having never had any problems with docking, this left me rather confused as to what to do. So, has anyone else experienced problems akin to this or got any ideas for solutions?


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The original craft was created on a modded installation, however deleting all mods and using a new set of rovers, even of different designs, still reproduces the problem. I have successfully docked multiple rovers before, with no problem, it only seems to have occurred today. I'll try a new save file next.

Another interesting feature - docking, undocking, then crashing the two rovers into each other seems to cancel all gravity for them (picture added to gallery). This is certainly the most entertaining bug I've come across playing KSP :D

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