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Yes I know that someone has probably posted on this before and that there is already a cloud mod, but I want MORE!!!

That cant be asking too much especially for Kerbin and Eve, which are just incomplete without clouds. Adding an additional

low-poly sphere around the planet with an alpha map and adding that to the planets ray-trace calculations would make

things look a thousand times better when in space and near the ground (this is extremely easy and even I've done it

in my own little experiments). And it shouldn't affect the fps much ether.To make things even better when in between

space and the ground hide the cloud sphere and add clusters of 2D sprites like in Flight Simulator, ace combat,

Just Cause and hundreds of other tittles.

To me Kerbin and Eve are eyesores without clouds. Jool and possibly Laythe should have clouds as well though Jool probably wouldn't look much different considering Jupiter's Clouds.

And on a different topic entirely sandstorms on Duna would be sooooooooooo Epic!!!

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