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Hadron's Forge. A look at a science fiction game promising real science.


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I followed a tweet reposted by nyrath and encountered this article and game. rather than describe it, you may watch the You Tube trailer there, read the article and decide how it might compare with KSP.

(But Hadron's Forge promises multiplayer as well as a slew of building opportunities.)


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It sounds promising, but they will need to work seriously on art direction because it seems they have none at the moment. Besides the inconsistency (in both the graphics in game, the website, the company site) there is this abomination..


I think my 6 and 8 year old could probably pull off a better logo using MSpaint. That cheap bevel and palette just screams indie game one-man-show, which then in turn means the game will probably take a decade to actually get finished. It sounds promising, but for now that's all I can take it as as the screenshots and video do not convince me yet.

I don't think it will be another KSP. KSP had the fortune to draw both an older and younger crowd to the game. I love playing it for the mod and spaceflight aspect, my kids love the kerbals and Jebediah is practically a second word in our household.

Edited by Devo
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"A look at a science fiction game promising real science."

Minecraft Cube flying trough space ...

Website - looks meh ...

Art - looks meh ...

Developer Website - looks meh ...



"Space HarVee" please look at this picture ...

Also not a single information on who is behind this.

Sorry but i doubt that this will go on very long not to mention "aerospace guys" whatever that is supposed to mean.

Also this looks like a reskin of minecraft.

Sorry that im so harsh but nothing i read about this game actually gave me a positive feeling of any sort.

If the Devs read this:

- get good website

- try to improve your graphics - either relistic - or stylized

- we all know how "cool" driving in minecraft is ...

- also so this is a flash game?

Edited by SpaceHole
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Not every game that has a cube in it it is Minecraft you guys.

It looks like it has almost the same cube-size - many of minecraft mechanics and a bad version of its style.

Even the developers talk about minecraft:

"combines elements of protal and minecraft"

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