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Engine designs for SSTOs

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High guys, this thread should be for anyone who came across problem of designing inlets for their SSTOs. It means, make engine with more inlets which doesn't look silly. Or even try to design some really badass looking engines. Please try to post there engines which can be taken out from your plane and put to any other aircraft.

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For my (as yet unposted) challenge entry to the machingbird challenge, I built a pretty standard small spaceplane, and then proceeded to insert a long line of cubic struts into the core body. After that I simply attached a long line of intakes to the struts with part clipping enabled. It does look better then standard intake spam, but it is considered cheating in most jet speed record challenges. However, I still did go 2275m/s at 40km with an apoapsis of 200 km.


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i made this 'Krabe' engine used on this demonstrator http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34058-Demonstrator-SSTO-for-the-new-KRABE-engine :)


basically, there is intakes on cubic struts hidden inside the radiator part, which makes it looks like compressor blades :)

i clipped 3 engines in one in this assembly : the 2 different turbojets (so the thrust level is pretty stable until 15000m) and an aerospike :)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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