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More Joolian Moons?

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I am preparing for my first tour of the Jool system. After reading czokletmuss’s Jool of Kerbol System and investigating it in the tracking station, I decided it had to be done. Jool is beautiful, as is Laythe, Vall, and all the others.

However, I cannot help but notice that the Jool system is pathetically small compared to its analog, Jupiter. Not small in size, but in quantity. Jupiter has sixty-seven moons. Jool has five.

Do the Devs plan on adding more moons to Jool? If not, should they? It would make missions to Jool more fun and interesting, but it would also make it more difficult to have one mission that would sweep the whole system.

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Yeah, but just four of those 67 moons make up the vast, vast bulk of Jupiter's orbital mass.

The rest are comparatively tiny captured bodies.

Devs intend to add asteroids at some point, so maybe something will be added at that point.

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I'd rather have another gas giant, perhaps with procedural rings. This could be done procedurally. The rings could solid from a distance, and only become made of pieces as you approach. Black Prophecy solved it nicely.

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Keep in mind, that out of those moons of Jupiter, only a handful have size large enough to actually land on it. After the four Galilean moons, the four inner moons are <5% in radius compared to the largest four, and the rest are only a few kilometres in diameter, thus the Galilean moons easily have more than 99.99% of the satellite system's total mass. This also means, that the smaller 55 is useless in terms of gravity manoeuvres. But maybe after they figure out how to implement asteroids, they can throw a few around Jool too, just for the cosmetics.

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