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The Best Return Mission From Duna Ever


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So, sense I've never really legitimately came back from Duna, I decided to remake my landing stage on my Duna ship. So a couple minutes later I arrive at Duna, I land, plant a flag, and plan my return mission. Using phase angles I get an almost instant encounter with Kerbin and the whole burn is not using to much delta V.

So I do the burn, and now I'm on my way to Kerbin. I change my orbit a bit so I am around 37,000 meters above Kerbin, that way the planet's atmosphere will catch a hold of me and hopefully help me have a smooth landing. I enter the atmosphere at around 5000 M/S, and from there is when it all goes wrong. I was going to fast for how high I was up, so instead of Kerbin's gravity pulling me in, I just skimmed across the surface like a pebble skimming across water.

Unfortunately do to my own stupidity I saved at the wrong location, I had no boosters it was just the Pod. I think for a while and that's when it hits me. Whack a Kerbal! I open up Whack A Kerbal and begin experimenting, a minute or two later I found a good setting that didn't cause spontaneous explosions. I turned my ship back side up and fired right at the middle. When I checked my map it said I was instead of 37 Meters up I was 23 meters up. Whack A Kerbal saved me! I then proceeded to land safetly and recover the poor traumatized Kerbins from the ocean. And Jeb was smiling the entire way.

Edited by irichey25
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5000 m/s relative to Kerbin is *REALLY* fast. My Duna returns usually have me going about 3500 when I start hitting the atmosphere. Also, if you skim through the atmosphere and come out that usually doesn't mean you're doomed - it just means you have to do another orbit before you come back and re-enter again. Unless you were *still* going fast enough to be on an escape trajectory, which sounds REALLY unlikely if you got as low as 27 meters.

Edited by Steven Mading
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