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Uncover advice as part of science experiments.

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When i first started playing i learnt a few things about escaping kerbin's gravity in a rocket from a Scott Manley video, i watched his tutorial and as a result of that i fly upwards till i reach 10.000 metres then i begin my 90 degree inclination and i don't let my speed exceed 200ms, as that would make me burn more fuel than i needed to, great stuff and very useful.

The point i'm trying to make here is that i personally would never have learnt these tips on my own, i'm simply not good enough maths-wise to find that out on my own, and i would absolutely love to know similar information for escaping Duna's gravity, how to do it best, so what if these tips and bits of information were dispensed to the player as a result of them doing research and experiments?

Ok so i pretend i'm a new player again, i make my rocket, i have a side option of getting my rocket to a certain distance on my own, and the moment i do Gene Kerman radio's in excitedly offering the above information, says he figured it out as a result of my achievement, that gets put in a notebook for my later perusal, for as a new player no doubt i want to carry on playing around for now, but later once i try to be more professional it will be of great use.

These pieces of information could be anything from optimal speed when landing on Eloo to the fuel needed to have a satellite placed around Jool, perhaps even ship designs could be unlocked so you get a feel for what you need to go where, and these nuggets of information would be unlocked when you achieved a science goal, if you managed to get near Jool, you might unlock the Spaceship design that can definitely get there and back.

Now of course there would be those who would rather find all this out on their own without the help of a game mechanic, so it could simply be an option that can be turned on or off, or maybe it might only feature in career mode, well that's my idea for today, thank you for reading.

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I could see the point of this. Probes could be used for landing especially for atmospheric planets and Gene returns some feedback. Maybe just some simple charts so he doesn't flat out tell you. Also maybe you might have to land a few probes to get enough information for a full table about loss due to drag and things.

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I agree that it would work well if things like atmospheric density, gravity, etc all appeared within the Kerbal fact sheets for the planets, but this information had to be found out the old-fashioned way, and nothing could be assumed. It would certainly bring together the information that's there now (but, for example, how do I know how high Duna's atmosphere is before I've been there?). I basically want to look up and just see black, and find out that there are stars out there, and planets, and what those planets are, and how far away they are, etc. I don't want, necessarily, any implied information except that which is either required or necessary for fun.

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