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[SSI] Aeon Class Shuttlecraft


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My first ever SSTO. I have finally tweaked and perfected the Aeon Class Shuttlecraft, ready for inclusion in the SSI General Catalog after another tester can confirm they too can get it into orbit, and return safely.

The Aeon Class:

Is an SSI original Type I Shuttlecraft prototype, which means it was developed by an SSI member, and is capable of carrying 1 Kerbal up to a 120km orbit, SSTO style, losing no parts, rendezvous and dock, and come back to the KSC, and all this remotely (no pilot required). Also it can depart fully fueled from 120km, land, and come back to orbit, rendezvous and dock. Being SSI minded, it fits the SSI footprint of a small, lightweight, auxillary spacecraft. This version is not a VTOL version, however, one is being developed.

Part Count:68

Fuel Remaining at 80km orbit: 125

Fuel Remaining at 120km orbit: 110

Real Time to 80km Orbit: 7 minutes

This craft is capable of flaming out and going into a spin, recovering, and still have the remaining fuel above. This craft is designed to get into orbit fast. Very fast. See launch profile below.

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The image where the Aeon is docked to the station and has parachutes is a version just before the Release version since the feasibility of a powered or glide landing had not yet been tested. The final image shows a successful landing.

Shuttlecraft Type I Aeon Class Craft File

Flight Profile: (125 units fuel left @ 80km)(80rcs)

1. Pitch up to 65 deg until alt 32km. (Ignite Aerospike at 18km and shutdown Jet Engines to avoid flameout spin.)

2. Pitch to 45 deg until apopasis (Ap) is 50km.

3. Pitch to center of vector until Ap is 80km.

4. Decrease throttle to keep Ap arrival 10>30s


1. Aerospike

2. Jet Engines

3. Intakes

0. Ladder

Please let me know if you have any questions. This is my first official SSTO.

For those of you who don't trust your own manual flying skills (and also don't use mods), the 71 part Aeon Class Shuttlecraft version R (for Rescue) includes a separable cockpit with parachute. In such a configuration, both the cockpit can survive, and the main body is still guidable via the onboard cpu:

Shuttlecraft Type I Aeon Class R Craft File

If you are interested in joining Shuttlecraft Systems, Inc. please check out the link in my sig below.

Edited by inigma
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Looks like a neat little Kerbal transfer vehicle, I haven't ventured into the aircraft hangar yet as I was saving it for later down the track but this craft looks great, will give her a try tonight and see if I can dock to my station. will post some pics.

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