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Keep it slow...

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Okay, this is the challenge:

Build the slowest rocket ever!


Its engines need to burn at full power and you are not allowed to use low powered engines!

Then take the time your rocket needs to clear the tower.

Bonus points for everyone needing multiple stages to clear the tower. :P

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You should probably specify more conditions. For example, even a rocket that starts off with no lift will eventually get some once its weight is dropped enough from enough fuel getting burned. Of course, if you require immediate lift, about the best anyone will be able to do is around 30 seconds...

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RCS count? I once made a lander with which you could cheat. When I tested it on Kerbin, it didn\'t have enough power to lift off on it\'s own using the main engines. However, with engines at full + RCS I could get it up. So you could in theory cheat by occasionally applying RCS to maximize the time it takes to clear the tower. You probably want to forbid the RCS assisted takeoffs. Though it might be ok to use it for stabilization.

Also, not being allowed to use low power engines.. clustering can be fun. See N-1 for example :P

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