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Doing it 2010 style! Discovery-1 saves Alexander Leonov


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If you have seen 2010 then you remember how the crew used the Discovery to boost themselves and then use the Leonov's engines to finish their trans-Earth burn. Now you have to do the same.

Use the mockup of the Discovery provided: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47437-Discovery-One-craft

Build your own Leonov.

Everything is simple, Jool and Kerbin aren't in the best transfer window, you have to dock the Leonov to the Discovery just like in the movie, manage to keep yourself pointed one direction and go to Kerbin with the Leonov.


1000: dock like in the movie

500: do the burn instantly, no burn and wait

800: someone is outside the Leonov when the Discovery activates it's engines

400: video provided

100: detach the Discovery and start the Leonov in less than 10 seconds

1500: Eva to a rotating discovery, take control and stop the rotation and let Leonov dock.

500: HAL(ASAS) is never used when the Discovery is somehow used.

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