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Create in-game Tutorials and Scenarios

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Don't know about a tutorial, but I have done a couple of scenarios.

Start a new game to keep it separate from your other games.

Build and launch your craft, or basically put everything where it needs to be at the start of your scenario. I did one for practising Mun landings, so I started off by building and launching a suitable craft that left a lander in Munar orbit.

Once you have created your 'starting' position, quit out of the game.

Find the persistent.sfs file in your new game save folder and open it in an editing program like Notepad.

In the first few lines of the persistent file, change the title in the Title = line from Game save name (Sandbox) to something more meaningful. In my case I called it Mun Landing.

Add a description in the Description = line

Change the line scene = 5 to scene = 7

In the FLIGHT parameters;

Change CanLeaveToEditor from True to False

Change CanLeaveToTrackingStation from True to False

Change CanLeaveToSpaceCenter from True to False

Change CanLeaveToMainMenu from False to True

Save this persistent file to the saves/scenario folder, using the same name that you used in the Title = line

That should be it. Your scenario will now appear in the scenario list and, once you try it, you should be able to restart it at any time, using the restart button in the scenario list screen.

Have fun.

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That's basically how you start making a tutorial - you set up a savegame that serves as the basis. Personally I just use HyperEdit to put things where I want them to be. Other than that, you need to program a DLL that will be driving the tutorial pages. Have a look at my in-game tutorials and their source code to see how it can be done. (see signature)

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