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[WIP] KerbolQuest Dev Thread (Powered by KerbTown)


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Is there some kind of waver i need to do to play with the jetpacks? i.e. dont complain about bugs? :sticktongue: JK, i did find one, if your kerbal falls out of the winged jetpack (haven't messed with any of the others) he cannot get out of rag-doll mode unless another kerbal reorintates the jetpack, which puts the fallen kerbal back in the jetpack, so i am guessing this is a problem with the game not knowing when the kerbal is considered *out* of the jetpack?

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It's a known bug, one of the bugs that pushed the release back so long on the packs. We dont use the stock seat module for the packs, and the custom one has some glitches still :) Also, I didnt know that reorienting the pack with another kerbal fixed anything, I'll test that out a little more and see if that helps with a bug fix!

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We've never had game crashes related to any of the plugin work we have done, can you post your KSP.log? any details on what you were doing when it happened?

Or perhaps it's simply he's playing with so many mods, it eventually runs out of RAM, and KerbolQuest was the 1MB of ram or whatever that made ram overloads more frequent.

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I've changed all the packs so they can hold Eva reports and surface samples, and added them to the tech tree. We've also got a science part that will be small and light enough to attach to the jets and rocket packs in the works, which will be done in the jext few days hopefully :) The plugin was also fixed for 0.22, for anyone that tested it and found something amiss.

Edit; regarding the science part, I'm thinking of a line of small lightweight parts that you can stick onto the rocket pack. Get yourself into orbit with your interplanetary ship then take the rocket pack to the surface and do your sciences, fly back up and dock to the mother ship and either transmit the results or leave them saved in the rocket packs memory banks for the return trip. It doesn't have enough power to send its own results and adding that would be a little more than OP, but having a fast, agile little lander with 3400m/s worth of fuel you can science with means you could literally do every moon besides Tylo in 1 mission with a 20t ship and 1 rocket pack.

(Even Laythe. More on that to follow)

Edited by HoY
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Finally got around to try it, haha so epic! Did you manage to mody the seat position ? :D Curious , they seem to sit like in iva but i maybe wrong :;) Jetpack are so usefull if you have more then one stations and you can if you are close enough fly from one to the other. In these pics i did some science on my way down , glider was destoryed at impact but not kenny (Y) Been digging my old helmets models up again and wanting to try them with your inventory plugin ^^

Cheers and thanks to the team



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I'll upload the 0.22 version in a few hours when I get home. Cheebsta has taken a LOA for the time being so they still don't have the docking ports on them (besides the rocket pack)

Hopefully in the next couple of days ill have 2 new science parts for them also, but I don't finish it'll be a month before they are done as I'm heading off for vacation after than

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They do work in .22 if you add the tech tree info into the config, however part of the plugin was broken with the update. (The hover module that saves your kerbals from uncounted numbers of deaths attempting to land)

Snjo fixed it up and it will be included with the new download tonight :)

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