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Bond Aerotech and Sundries [v0.4.3.1 31st March 2014]


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Beware face count. Also I'm having a buddy rework the 'Sea Sickness Mod' so I'll let you know how successful we are with that. You'll need the 'nudge' mechanic if nothing else. Even with 'Landed' vessels Kerbals have a terrible time walking on part generated collision meshes. They have a bad tendency of falling over and never getting up because they don't register that they've stopped falling.

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  Alskari said:
Also I'm having a buddy rework the 'Sea Sickness Mod'
I just downloaded that one today, not managed to get it to work before but I found this and it seems ok, I'm encouraged to see it's a module too so it can be squooshed into a command pod if needed. What issues have you seen with it?
Razchek Razchek is offline

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I have updated the mod directory structure, tidied the code (no functional changes needed) and created a new model.

Download here.

I got it off a link from your posts so thanks :) and I made a little video of er some stuff that's really rough (one pod is 90% there, the other I made today as a proof of concept because my friend came round and it got all "challenge accepted!" so not UV'd or pretty in any way) I'll probably have to make helmets mandatory though, there have been some "training issues" with the crews regarding proper airlock usage.

It was meant to be all victorious but as you see there is a sting at the end as I notice another bug.

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Cool, I'm not sure why the Kerbals fall over sometimes when walking over the joins between sections though, they should meet up perfectly.

Did you find the arms on the elbow piece a bit long, not sure if it should just be providing the 90' turn? I should really make the straight walkway pieces too.

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Well my crew would appreciate the straight pieces, as soon as the new parts arrived my engineers got to work but where horrified to discover that the newly modified rear loading pod (not released cos the plugin is a bit broken) was not going into space that day:


With the falling, I think it's just a part of them walking on collision meshes or rather near the edges of them. If you'r in the middle of a nice large poly then there are no issues but as soon as you get around the edges or (sharp intake of breath) "intersecting" collision meshes it all goes tits up (literally hehe). in an ideal world you would be able to give them magnetic boots and/or reaction wheels to help but that's way beyond me. I will be sliding the seasickness module into my command pods and hoping for the best.

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Hah, awesome. I'll work on getting the covings moved across to the elbow and make some straight walkways today hopefully, thinking 2.5m and 5m length sections for the 1.25m diameter walkways.

Not sure about 2.5m walkways at the moment, might break those down further and have hexagonal (or octagonal) internal spaces otherwise the walls are going to be hugely thick and the internal space limited.

Octagonal might be better

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  Alskari said:
You may want to consider slightly larger clearances, in space kerbals don't always orient the way you want. Since I haven't seen full EVA rotation capabilities yet I would be sure to keep that in mind.

I am concerned about the Kerbals heads essentially brushing the roof in the 1.25m walkways, although the only way to handle that (while still having the external hull match to the 1.25m parts) would be too push it out the internal corridor profile (probably from square to hexagonal, or higher) so that more of the internal volume is used, which is completely on the table

[Edit] I might move to hex corridors unless there's any objections? The 3.75/2.5/1.25m hulls/corridors/junctions could share a common hexagonal profile for the internals, it's not too wasteful on the larger profiles and gives more space on the smaller ones

Actually I should check how narrow that would make the floor first

[Edit2] this is what the 1.25m cross section profile would look like in hexagonal


The floor width drops from ~0.84m to ~0.6m, not sure if that will cause any issues, I could put the joint width down from ~0.03 to ~0.01 and put in the covings but that only brings up the floor width up from 0.59 to 0.615.

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A Walkway for 1.25m (WW125) straight section in hex layout with covings


The bolts/rivets are probably overkill on the covings so I should take those off and maybe do that with a normal instead.

[Edit] In game look

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No proper colliders for it yet, shading still off too. working in game now. Huh, some of the covings have gone crooked, better check that.

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Sorry there is actually the Hex corridor for the straight (finished, pictured above) and X Junction (model finished, UV almost finished, no texture, no colldiers or covings yet), I'll try and get those two packaged up tonight (I'll post an update when the new package is uploaded).


Should consider the square corridor ones depreciated (I won't remove them, but I'll only be working on the hex ones from here so they won't be seeing any updates unless they're broken)

*I actually had to remove them because I was having some clashes, sorry. If anyone is missing them I can put them back in.

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Good work, those intersections look really good (better in fact) for the hexagonal shape. I've been playing with the probe cores and Kethane and made a really lush little lander/miner (I should drop a screenie cos I'm a bit proud).

If I haven't already said then have a go at dropping some small point lights in reduced to a ~0.5-1 meter area and slightly yellow for that sodium feel. I've found that the lights can go pretty much anywhere (like right in the middle of the corridor) without causing too many issues but only if they are well under control so as to prevent bleaching when you walk through them. I did find that they will flood though walls and illuminate surrounding components if they are too big /on a wall though.

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Yes Jahulath , drop that screeny, do ittttttttt.

I have the colliders pulled out already so I can essentially go mad with the detailing now, I was looking at windows already but I can look at putting some short range recessed lights maybe centrally (top and bottom) in the X junction.

Finally got the hex corridor junction looking acceptable

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[Edit] Updated the alpha parts zip

[Edit2] WW125H elbow up next

[Edit3] Elbows


Updated the alpha zip (again)

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  Gristle said:
Nice - What are the radially attached pods with the rainbow cables?

They are engines, basically a 50kn atomic but they have "ceramic cones for increased heat dissipation" aka I haven't made the animation yet and have just been flying them around with reduced heat production.

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1.25m to 2.5m walkway almost done, just some trouble with unwrapping the coving


[Edit] Walkway adapter in

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No 2.5m walkway sections to go with them yet though.

After some playing around, all the WW parts share 2 (bad) textures as well

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V2 edge covings for the WW135H elbow and straight stub


Redesigned to allow proper texture sharing between all the WW parts, should also look better and give a more consistent look throughout.

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Urg, considering redoing/tweaking a lot of (earlier) stuff for consistency, reducing clutter (folding up unnecessary extra .mu's and textures) and enabling texture wide sharing, unfortunately this could break stuff (if I'm not careful), or could require me to break stuff because everything was made slightly differently (by mr. no plan)

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  NoMrBond said:
Urg, considering redoing/tweaking a lot of (earlier) stuff for consistency, reducing clutter (folding up unnecessary extra .mu's and textures) and enabling texture wide sharing, unfortunately this could break stuff (if I'm not careful), or could require me to break stuff because everything was made slightly differently (by mr. no plan)

Which is why you are posting in Development NOT in Release right? I already removed Kethane (too easy) after taking that ship on a mission from Mun to Jool via 3 other planets/moons so those ships are all dead.

IMHO if you install a file from a dev thread then you got no comeback, especially if you have to wade through caveats like "For the adventurous"

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Yeah, I wanted to make sure all the major consistency stuff was done before even considering a release, I'll keep any original stuff in the pack as-is/when-is possible and just depreciate parts as they're superseded.

Some stuff won't change (outwardly) but will be reduced from 2-3 .mu files/textures pulled together with MODEL{} calls to one .mu/texture (if there was no advantage or part/texture sharing happening and/or possible)

It would have been nice to have a plan about this before kicking off, but never having made models or used unity before I really had no idea what I could do, or how. My apologies to anyone who might be effected.

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Hi, I was putting together a small lander and had a sudden thought, have you considered making one wall in your walkways into a ladder? I've not completely 100% thought it through but it takes like a minute to post it but oh so long to remember that "really good Idea I had" post pipedream.

I'm pretty sure that crew sections are littered with hand holds in rl - looking at pics of the ISS it's filled with stuff to grab onto or take the skin of the back of your head but Kerbals are a bit phalanx challenged so would need something a bit more ladderish to grab onto. It would make vertical sections navigable and have the advantage of making orbital EVA a far more logical and controllable situation - you'd only need a tiny visible clue on the relevant wall too.

Like I said, just a thought.

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Certainly doable now, one of the reasons I redid the coving detailing was because they were such a mess they were taking up about 30% of the texture space and still looking like pants, now that's freed up (looks much better while only using ~0.4% of texture space) I'll have a nice free slice where I can change where the UV map points for one inside wall to draw in some ladder details.

Then I'll just need to actually figure out how to make what looks like a ladder, function like a ladder, which doesn't sound too bad.

Flat/recessed/inset porthole style ladder I think, so it can still be a floor (rotation/orientation dependant) with maybe some edge handrails.

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