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Bond Aerotech and Sundries [v0.4.3.1 31st March 2014]


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Sorry about the lack of updates, all the progress has been on paper/planning

After the, essentially, rolling shambles of the first set of bays/probes where everything was slightly different, assembled slightly differently, with a profusion of individual parts, I'm trying to be more organised about the revision so things like the pod bay doors will also fit on the probe cores and things of that nature

Stuck on analysis paralysis, I should slap myself and start making the necessary upgraded root parts

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Trying to polish it all up, the rescale 'actually-the-squareroot-of-the-number-you-want' Factor, unless you're a node call is causing some severe jimmie rustling

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I'm looking at this stuff going, I'm reinventing the wheel, and just not sure that it's 1/6th the model space and 1/15th the texture load is going to matter to anyone except me :\

Anyway, there are spire variants (node/scale calculations not finished) and the various other layouts all coming for the bays

I need to finish matching the probe models to the bay doors so they can share the common door model

The attach nodes for the doors are still giving me pause too, currently they're on the flat inner face of the door just down from the edges buttttt if you have the open/spire style bay then they don't fit, which I can fix by having the attach point right on the edge with the vector pointing across the top/bottom face towards the round outer edge but that means fitting it properly can become a pixel-perfect exercise in frustration, not sure about that one.

[Edit] Spires (for 5m, 3.75m and 2.5m) open layout

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With caps, didn't think 1.25 or 0.625 spire would be much use (i.e. no useful space), let me know if you want them in

[Edit2] going with the edge point for the doors otherwise they don't work for all configs

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I'm looking at this stuff going, I'm reinventing the wheel, and just not sure that it's 1/6th the model space and 1/15th the texture load is going to matter to anyone except me :\

Having had to tool around for several hours last night deleting infrequently used parts and reducing texture quality so that I could wedge B9 into my install, I assure you that I appreciate any space saving measures that mods will take.

The attach nodes for the doors are still giving me pause too, currently they're on the flat inner face of the door just down from the edges buttttt if you have the open/spire style bay then they don't fit, which I can fix by having the attach point right on the edge with the vector pointing across the top/bottom face towards the round outer edge but that means fitting it properly can become a pixel-perfect exercise in frustration, not sure about that one.
Are you surface attaching or node attaching? Using whatever is most universal makes perfect sense to me, but if accuracy is an issue you could swipe a technique from various fairings mods and just use nodes to attach. Not sure I've fully understood the problem though.
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Are you surface attaching or node attaching? Using whatever is most universal makes perfect sense to me, but if accuracy is an issue you could swipe a technique from various fairings mods and just use nodes to attach. Not sure I've fully understood the problem though.

They do both, they have nodes and will snap to, or you just drag the door onto an attachable surface they'll 'stand up' on the flat ends with the pivot on the flat inside edge. Hrm, I could actually put some attach nodes on the caps so they snap on, but then it might be difficult to attach the door to a decoupler and have them fire the doors off. I'll have a think about it.

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So, all the new part/combos are mostly ready


I just need to fix the masses and add the techTree / cost arguments

If there's a combo there you can't see that you want or I've forgotten let me know

[Edit] Forgot the basic hollow bays


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Mechanicially all the bay replacements are ready (the textures still need to be updated but the models are fixed)

The probe cores are going to take a bit longer so I'll put up an updated archive with current progress a bit later tonight while I work on the probe stuff

[Off topic] Not really related but Tanuki Chau flew my stock N1 replica on the KSP TV afterparty, that was awesome!

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The next update is now up

Contains the standardized parts for all the bays, the tech tree nodes still haven't been added but I'll include it in the next update with textures and the probe cores (hopefully).


All the depreciated/legacy bays are in the included command.zip in the NMB/Parts/Command directory, unzip this for the original B25/B125/B375/B0625 parts if you have vessels/stations etc still using them.

[Edit] Oops, the weights didn't update for the bays so they're mostly wrong, give me a moment and I'll upload the package again.

[Edit2] Updated alpha parts package with config fixes for weights and some other "name=" argument fixes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally have a break from work (yay holiday), and today I have a computer AND internet access horay, so I've been adding techTree integration

There will now be a slight delay while I remember and/or reset my mediafire password :\

[Edit] 1st integration pass done and alpha package updated, still need to do the 3.75 and 5m parts

[Edit2] So the NODE{} pointers don't respect rescaleFactor properly, I guess that's a bug. You'll see this on the SI125 parts

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  • 2 weeks later...

You mean the symmetry trusses, right? The two prong one actually seems fine. I guess that's not a resize? Either way, these have been pretty handy. They don't actually seem to work with symmetry mode, but then I don't think the rockomax hub does either.

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Oops, I probably forgot to add the appropriate stackSymmetry arguments, that should work once I put that in though

I'll also try and fix the NODE{} calls for the effected (resize, SI125) parts, or just revert to using node_stack manual calls instead of the NODE{} ones

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  • 3 weeks later...

Blarg, had to go straight back to work off the plane and jet lag is kicking my butt but at least it's the weekend already

A few quotidian matters to take care of this morning before I can start looking at stuff

Should fix the SI125 parts first, not sure about that one since the NODE{} system doesn't respect rescaleFactor, well, it does, it just uses rescaleFactor instead of rescaleFactor^2 like everything else, which means, uhh, I guess it's the one that's actually working properly and everything else is actually bugged, but still need to work around how it's actually functioning rather than how it should be functioning, which is going to be fun when the ^2 bug with rescaleFactor actually gets fixed.

After that I wanted to make some Lunakhod looking science parts, maybe with deployment animation but we'll see how that goes


[Edit]: Working

*Polishing SI parts UV maps

*Adding correct stackSymmetry arguments (snap-attachment not working, NODE{} vs node_stack clash?)

*SI125 NODE{} calls moved to manual node_stack (Unforunately SI125_3 won't have arm end nodes for a bit)

*Texture and UV fixes for AB line

*One of the UV seams just refuses to be fixed, not sure what's going on there, making a dark stripe through the middle of the surface for no discernible reason. [Fixed; Deleted UV panels for whole surface and redid map & split]

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For some reason the nearby texture is bleeding out along this edge into the panel (the UV islands are next to each other on the texture)


Which is mystifying me because all the edges are set up identically and the yellow is 4px away from the edge line, not only that but all the parts share that setup, and that texture, I mean there is literally one texture which they're all calling.

Maybe it'll go away once there's texture on the panel as well instead of just the grey filler/placeholder? Otherwise I guess I'll just walk the UV back one pixel on that edge and hope it doesn't end up looking weird

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Model fixing and playing around with windows


Fixing the model problem I found with the coving actually took the longest, probably wasn't noticeable as was but would have made texturing the corner inserts impossible later

[Edit] whelp it's 2am so I don't think I'm going to get through fixing everything tonight

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