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JellyCubes Advanced Weapons R&D - Weapons and Other Miscellanea


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Advanced weaponry from the Advanced Weapons Research and Development division of Cube Corp.

For all your intended explosive needs.

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C7 Addon Parts

Parts for use with the C7 flight pack. Thanks to C7Studios for allowing me to use his textures.




  • [li]
Mk2 Hull Bicoupler V1.1
Attaches to the bottom of a Mk2 hull and converts it to two side-by-side 1m hulls.
[/li][li]Forward Swept Wing V1.0
Forward swept wings with built in ailerons.[/li]








  • [li]
\'Devastator\' Railgun V0.3 (Version 14.0 and higher)
Includes the forward, side and rear facing railguns and two projectiles. Recoil will now be experienced due to 0.14 decoupler physics.

[/li][li]\'Devastator\' Railgun V0.2 (Version 13.2 and lower)

Includes a forward facing railgun, a normal projectile, and a half-sized projectile. Projectiles come with built-in flares for easy tracking.

  • [li]Version 0.2 - Optimised railgun model. Added half-sized round.[/li]

[/li][li]Side-facing \'Devastator\' Railgun V0.2.1 (Version 13.2 and lower)

Left, right and rear facing railguns. Does NOT include any ammunition.

Has slight issues with ammunition stacking. Try stacking ammunition on a free node then moving them into the railgun.

  • [li]Version 0.2.1 - Fixed orientation issue with one of the railguns.[/li]






  • [li]
Modular Missile Pack V1.0
A modular missile pack. Includes two different nosecones and three different types of missile fins.
The missile body acts as a decoupler so it doesn\'t need to be attached to an external decoupler. If attached to an external decoupler, don\'t put both decouplers in the same stage.[/li]








  • [li]
\'Wasp\' Missile V1.0
Recommend missile be used with a lightweight decoupler such as the decoupler from Tosh\'s \'Drone\' UAV.


  • [li]Version 0.3 - Almagated all railgun versions. Fixed properties due to new decoupler physics.[/li]

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Wow! Nice idea with that railgun, excellent abuse of game mechanics! :) I\'d add a fx_smokeTrail_medium to the projectiles for they\'re flying very fast and sometimes are hard to track.

Sad thing there\'s still nothing to shoot at. Except for KSC buildings :)

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Special round complete! The LAW electrostatic round travels faster, has a nice blue sparkle to it :) and has a custom sound!

When scripting becomes available, when it collides with a part, I\'ll have the script affect radiate, so two fuel tanks attached, the lower one is hit, the effect will pass to the upper fuel tank, then a decoupler above that, so on until it affects all connected parts to a rocket. The effect will shut down all engines and block all controls for about.... 30 seconds.

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Another special round complete! The Microwave-Incendiary Klystron Emitter, or MIKE, round. It has a nice texture, has a yellow emission, and the rocket sound.

When scripting becomes available, this round will radiate extreme amounts of heat on impact, instantly overheating the part it collided with, and sending high-valued heat waves throughout the rest of the rocket.

Cookie to whoever gets the reference!

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  Tosh said:

Sad thing there\'s still nothing to shoot at. Except for KSC buildings :)

Lack of proper targets means the repair costs for the VAB is astronomically high.


  Flixxbeatz said:


Got enough missiles there? :o

Increasing the lift the missile wings produce might help stop collisions.

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Guest Flixxbeatz
  JellyCubes said:

Increasing the lift the missile wings produce might help stop collisions.

cfg edit? ok :D

and yea, for additional information, watch this:

(skip to 1:30)
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  Herpderpsslerps said:

Nope, Rods from Gods was just a precision deorbit of a big rod of Tungsten. Gravity did all the rest.

  MaMaPyCb said:

SO now they have rail guns, and satellites.......... the kerbalians now have the weapon system of 'Rods from God'?

Am I the only one that thinks this sounds like a request? =P

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